Humin Character Creation Guide

Don't have one of the CS yet? Maybe you have one and want to have a contractor for them? Well here is how this works!

Basic Questions

  • Can I create more than 1? - For the start you are limited to 1 non-cs character. Later on when the group is fully launched and in a good rhythm there will be a way to get more non-cs characters.
  • How young can my character start off as? - We are going to ask that your character starts off at 18 due to the nature of the world.
  • Can I bring oc’s from outside the group into the group? - Yes, but we will put restrictions on this, for now we ask that you don’t until we set up the proper things.
  • How do I gain traits to upgrade my Humin? - There will be prompts and a shop where you can obtain these things!

Pick your Humin Race


There are no race specific kingdoms meaning there are no race wars. While there are some races that don't particularly get along or characters that personally don't like a certain race most races can get along Amicably and are civil with each other.
Beastkin are the most fiesty of the races as they can become quite protective over their homes/ land. They don’t discriminate, if you touch their home you're dead no matter the race.



Typically 4-6ft with varying weights

Better all around stats
There isn’t much special about these Humins.People wonder how there are even just basic humans left in Athna.

Traits: None



5-7ft and thin

Magic resistance
(Normally live alongside itsines as they're both typically strong magic users and have the same ideals)

Traits: Elvin Ears

Sub Divisions:

  • Light Elves - Get along well with glemste often become scholars - traits: Glowing markings
  • Dark Elves - Mostly nocturnal due to their dark pigmentation. See very well in the dark -Grey Skin tones
  • Wood Elves [tree people] - Tend to have some type of flora growing around their homes. Live in trees -Flower/ Leaf Growths
  • Sun Elves - Elves that gain power from the sun -Golden Skin tones
  • Moon Elves - Elves that gain power from the moon -White/Silver Skin tones



2-3ft with varying weight

Weapon Bonus 

Live underground,the only humin species that get along with mothdrakes
Short and Stocky 

Traits: Pointy Ears

Sub Divisions:
  • Dwarves
  • Gnomes - Smaller than other Earthians -Clay 'Hats'
  • Mushys - Tiny mushroom people. They tend to stay under 2 feet in height and are the smallest Earthnians -Mushroom 'caps', Fungi Growths



They live alongside trusnic as they share tough skin, they also have spikes on their lower arms and ankles like trusnic do.
Tough skin, Strong, Very tanky

Gain a passive skill called Enduring-
Enemies won't be able to tell how near death you are (smart enemies won't be as eager to shoot you if your near - as they won't know) due to your strong resilience 

Very tall! The shortest Giant ever seen was 9 feet in height and the tallest was 14

Traits: Etched Markings, Plating



Any height or weight usually relating to the beast they resemble.
Have a thin layer of fur over their bodies and a tail. Animal ears replace human ones (will draw diagram)

Doesn't have snouts or hand paws! (These can be added as mutation later on)

Claw attack access
Bite attack access
Live anywhere and everywhere but usually make pacts/tribes with similar beast kins

Traits: Anima[animal], Tail/ ears, fur

 Sub Divisions:
  • Merss[Aquatic People] -Traits: No fur, Fish Tail, Fins, Scales
  • Centuarr [Half Animal] -Animal Body, Upper Half furless, animal ears
  • Were [Kin with a Human Form] -Animal Form, ears/ tail, colored sclera
  • Nagar [Serpent People] -Snake body, scales, forked tongue, slit pupils
  • Aviat [Bird People] -Wings, Feather growths, bird claws
  • Buggy [Bug People] -Bug parts, antenna



(A Humin can gain access to this body/ mutation later on through the Celeste ritual)
Naturally Blessed, Unlocks Blessed Magic

Natural enemy of the Grygor! These Humins hunt the Antithine



(A Humin can gain access to this body/mutation later on through the corruption ritual)
Naturally corrupt, unlocks access to corrupt magic

Doesn't drink blood but instead absorbs magic energy from others
Fangs can be on top or on top and bottom, they use these to bite - Bite attack access
Cannot become holy without going through the 'un-corrupt' quest

Don't really need to live anywhere since they don't need to sleep, houses are usually in secluded areas.
Grygor do not feed off of them which makes them able to go to Grygor infested areas



A very rare and unheard of species of humin within the world. It's become so rare to see them that people believe they are just a myth, but if you do somehow manage to see one and prove you did it's seen as an amazing event and is noted now. However it is very hard to prove their existence, especially for the harder to spot differences between the different types of humins. So that Beastkin you see could also be a Vampyr and you would never know unless they said so.

They tend to keep to themselves and not come out of hiding unless they only appear as one of the humin species.

Can create potions which completely hide either one or both types of species they are.
 -Unlocks the Hidden-Elixir Potion recipe-
           -Unlocks the (quest/prompt/event) learning our history-