

The Darkness in Athna


What is Miasma: Miasma is a dark and foreboding cloud of mist. It holds a dark energy and is often a dark sinister purple. One can see sickening bright purple glowing flashes within the shroud. Often one sees moving shadows within its depths, these are Antithine a subclass of Grygor. 

What Does Miasma Do: Miasma causes one to feel heavy and become very ill. If one is exposed to Miasma for a long period of time they can become corrupted. Antithine can only live within Miasma, which is another horrible thing. As if an Antithine catches you they will not only devour your life force but turn you into a Grygor. 

What Happens when you die due to Miasma: If you die due to Miasma your body will get back up, you WILL become an undead. As your body walks around it will slowly rot and fall apart. 

What does Miasma do to the surrounding area: Miasma kills all plants and small creatures in the area. Plants cannot survive Miasma's toxic properties. Small animals and creatures have a hard time resisting the Miasma and most end up dead rather quickly.

Where does it come from: Miasma comes from the Grygor Plains, there are dark pillars of Light that it pours out of. Miasma slowly crosses the Ocean and comes onto the mainland. 

What Is Corruption?

Corruption happens when one's body is exposed to Miasma for extended periods of time. The Miasma slowly is absorbed into the body and affects one's mana and appearance.

How does it affect one's mana? It causes a person's mana to become unstable and hard to control. One's mana  will at times go berserk cause a large magic output like that of a bomb going off. The explosion's size and intensity  is based on how much mana the affected person contains. 

How does it affect one's appearance?
  • Some grow miasmic crystals- These crystals are dark purple and emit flashes like lightning of miasmic energy. The flashes tend to be a bright purple color.
  • One's eyes can become blind and ooze a miasmic goo- The miasmic goo is condensed corrupted mana in a physical form. When one becomes blind their eyes turn completely black.
  • Your hair can fade at the ends into nothingness and emit a miasmic energy- the energy is dark sickly particles and flashes of bright purple.
Corruption can also affect ones wings, tails and limbs-
  • Legs/Arms- Can crystallize into miasmic crystal, this makes the limb useless
  • Wings- Can crystallize into miasmic crystal, making them useless and heavy. They are also easily shatter-able and extremely heavy. One's wings could also start falling apart and appear as if they are rotting.
  • Tails- Can crystallize into miasmic crystal, making them useless and heavy. They can also grow miasmic crystals.
Corruption is a type of poisoning and can be healed by one with a Celestial blessing.


Undead as the name suggests are the dead that rise from the ground. They are not alive and do not have mana or souls.
The undead are essentially people who died whilst in a miasmic cloud. 
As they are undead they do rot like a regular corpse, you can tell how long an undead has been around based on the state of the corpse. 
Undead only last 2-3 years as once the body is too degraded to move at all the miasma releases it as it has become useless.

Being bitten or scratched by an undead does not cause you to become an undead-
Undead do not have the power to turn others into undead.
Their bites and scratches cause horrible infections due to them being rotting corpses.
If the wound is severe enough miasma can leak from the undead into the victim of the attack.

It is best to purify the undead and avoid them.
If you do not have a celestial blessing it is best to avoid all contact with the undead.
Only those with a celestial blessing can purify an undead.

Many pity these beings and create altars to pray for the souls of those who have become undead.