
The implings

Oh uh...someone ate your doughnut!....

Implings...What are they? Well, they are little annoying creatures that are considered to be a pests in Dante's Inferno. They are troublemakers that like stealing, playing pranks on people and most importantly, eating other people's food. The problem is that if you are friendly to them at least ONCE, they will start following you around and kind of consider you their master. They can actually use a little magic and posses magic weapons but go ahead and keep reading to find out more about that. 

First, let's introduce you to the types of implings:

1. The Lighters: Literally, they light on fire. Do not touch. They like running around in circles for no reason? I don't know, they are weird and hyper, nobody can ever predict what's going on in their heads

2. The Slowpos: These guys are a little slow...but still cute. They like giving bear hugs but hey don't really do much. Their magic is super powerful so be careful not to make them angry!

3. The Anchor Tails: They like using their little tridents to poke people's butts. Very violent little shits who fly around very, very fast. They are very over protective over their owners and will fight for them until they die. The tip of their tails are shaped like anchors and are really heavy, that's why they need big wings to support them.

4. The Munchers: These guys will eat everything. They are specially addicted to sweets. Their tails are very flexible so they can wrap around things to grab them. They will betray you if another person gives them food. They tend to trip on their droopy ears a lot.


D78481042_I3E9l8euuLMKhzq.pngid you know, they can actually use magic and are somewhat useful in battle?

1. Lighters use their blazing bodies to 'cannon ball' towards the enemy. Their tail also works as a firery wip! Better watch of if you don't want to get burnt by an incoming Impling fireball.

2. Slowpos are...slow, but their bodies are sturdy and they are able to take a lot of hits. Their magic takes a while to cast, but once it does it can be really destructive. 

3. Anchor tails are the most dangerous of the bunch. These little flyers are able to dive at you from the skies and stab you with their tridents. They aren't able to use magic but with their speed and agility, they don't really need it to protect your Warpa.

 4. Munchers like collecting different items to use as weapons. They grab it with their tail and swing it at you. They prefer knives or other sharp items for obvious reasons. 

So now that you know about them, can you make one?

Sure you can! These little guys are here for you to make and they are FREE as long as you own a Warpa! They don't really have any special traits since...they aren't THAT special, but you can customize your Impling pet however you want. You know how they look like right? So don't be afraid to create your unique one! You can even use the ones in the examples as a guide (Just please do not copy number 4's design) You can choose their skin color, their horn design, their wing color, add markings to them...Anything! Have fun making a pet for your Warpa! Just remember to credit me (TomboyKei) for the species.

But what are these little guys for?

Everything! Literally! You want a little slave for your Warpa? You want a little pet protector? You want to give your Warpa a companion? Have fun creating your little guy. If you have any question about them or if there is something you feel we left out, feel free to ask us in the discord. Implings are a closed sub-species owned by TomboyKei! You are not allowed to make your own unless you own a Warpa and is a current member of the group!
