Body Quests

Here you can see a list of quests to achieve the Body Badge. 

You only need to complete 1 quest to get the badge. 

Kitsunegamis from Shape Category (Astral and Elemental types) can claim the Body Badge without making any Body quest. The Body Badge awards Kitsunegamis who have nourished the changes and evolution on their body.
Is the first badge to get.

Drawings must be at least clean linearts and writings at least must have +300 words.

To notify you have done a quest write a comment on
 [DeviantArt Body Quests journal]     or       [Quests Toyhouse forum].


How did your Kitsunegami react when she/he saw his/her transformated body?
How did he/she notice the change? Did he/she liked it?

Prize:  2 Vials of energy + 500 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing


Does your Kitsunegami take care of his fur/claws/teeth/look? How?

Prize:  4 Vials of energy.

Drawing Writing

3 - RACE

That body needs some movement to keep healthy! Show your Kitsunegami making some kind of sport (running, swimming, climbing, playing something, etc).

Prize:  5 Vials of energy and 100 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

4 - delicious

Does your Kitsunegami enjoy eating something in particular? What is it?
(Little info: Foxes are omnivorous, they can eat meat, fruit, insects, arachnids and even human's food!).

Prize:  4 Vials of energy.

Drawing Writing

5 - expressions meme Complete an expression's meme about your Kitsunegami.
You can easily find templates like this.
These are just examples, you can find or create your own expressions meme.

Prize:  6 Vials of energy and 150 Wadoukaichin.


6 - horns exhibition

*3 tails required*
Did your Kitsunegami grow horns? How did he/she show them to the others?

Prize:  4 Vials of energy.

Drawing Writing

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