How to get items

This is a guide for members to know how to get items for their Kitsunegamis. These items help them grow and develop new traits.

Rules reminder:  You can gift and trade items, but not sell them.


OMAMORIES (protective talismans) 

AND O-MIKUJIS (fortune papers)

You can get them by participating in Quests and Events. They are also raffled from time to time, so stay tunned ^^


Vials of Energy are little portions of energy that a Kitsunegami can consume to grow tails and win new traits and abilities. Kitsunegamis  need 5 vials of energy to grow 1 tail more. HOW TO EARN VIALS OF ENERGY:


In the Kitsunegamis Unlockable System you can see what can you unlock and win by growing tails. Check the SPECIES INFORMATION for more.


From time to time there are raffles in the Kitsunegamis group, you can win Energy Vials, and other items. Stay tunned :D

3 - AS A GIFT    

Energy Vials can be gifted between members, or  traded but not sold.


Explorations are guided role-play mini game where your character explores and discover things about an area of the World map.


All Kitsunegamis have got a state: healthy, ill, injured, lucky (you can read more of them in the SPECIES INFORMATION .Sometimes, a Kitsunegami gets ill or hurt during an Exploration Mission, and Event (less probably) or while Exploring the Map Locations.An ill or injured Kitsunegami must remain in the Kitsunegami's base sickroom for some time. During that time you can make your character take care of the ill/injured Kitsunegami through a drawing or a writing about it. The ill/injured Kitsunegami will recover earlier from his/her bad state and thank you the care (you win +1 Energy Vial for this action + whatever comes from the drawing or writing).You can know what Kitsunegamis are in bad state by checking the Archive , or in the following journal.

6 - WITH ART !    

EDIT 20/05/19: An artist can claim prizes from his/her art even if the drawing is not of his/her Kitsunegami (is from another member). The owner of the character draw will also get part of the prize.
A drawing of your Kitsunegami can make you win Energy Vials. Drawings of your character from other artists are also accepted.
However, not all drawings are the same complexity, so not all drawings can win the same amount of Energy Vials.
EVENT or QUEST drawings doesn't count here, they have their own prizes in their respective journals.
The ID Card reference drawing doesn't count either, because it has got it's own prize (the Tail 1 prizes).
Write a comment on the Feedback Centre (Toyhouse FC) (DeviantArt FC) to claim Energy Vials showing the drawings of your character.

Here you can see how they count:
EDIT 16/05/19 : List updated with more prizes.
  • Sketches - they doesn't count.
  • Linearts: Each 2 clean linearts you can get +1 Energy Vial.
  • Pixels and simple chibis: Each 2 you can get +1 Energy Vial.
  • Flat Colours:
    • Bust:  each flat colours but you get +1 Energy Vial.
    • Half Body:  each  flat colours half body you get +2 Energy Vial.
    • Full body: each flat colours full body you get +3 Energy Vial.
  • Full Colour with shading:
    • Bust: Each bust shaded drawing you get +2 Energy Vial.
    • Half body: Each one is +3 Energy Vial.
    • Full body: each one is +4 Energy Vials.
  • More complex drawings (full colour + backgrounds,  animations, comics, etc): Will have an specific study to determine how many Vials of Energy are given depending on the complexity.

7 - WITH STORIES !     *Roleplayed count too*

If you like stories, then go for it!
A story about your Kitsunegami is a nice way to use your character.
EVENT or QUEST witings doesn't count here, they have their own prizes in their respective journals.
However, not all writings are the same length, so not all writings can win the same amount of Energy Vials.
Write a comment on the Feedback Centre (Toyhouse FC) (DeviantArt FC) to claim Energy Vials showing the literatures of your character.

Here you can see how they count depending on the number of words:
EDIT 16/05/19 : List updated with more prizes.
  • Around 300 words: 1 vial of energy.
  • Around 500 words: 2.5 vial of energy.
  • Around 700 words: 4 Vials of Energy.
  • around 1000 words: 5.5 vials of Energy.
  • more than 1000: It will have a singular analysis and the admin will determine the quantity.

Remember! You can buy items at the SHOP