Mind Quests

Any Kitsunegami can do Mind Quests. You can make as many as you want, but you only need 2 to get the Mind Badge.

Kitsunegamis from Imaginary Category (Folklorical and Mythical types) can claim the Mind Badge without making any Mind Quest. The Mind Badge awards Kitsunegamis who have maturated their thinking.
Is the second badge to get. Most of Mind Quests can be done by either drawing or making a writing.

Drawings must be at least clean linearts and writings at least must have +300 words.

To notify you have done a quest write a comment on
 [DeviantArt Mind Quests journal]       or       [Quests Toyhouse forum].

1- inherent magic

Every type of Kitsunegamis show a different inherent magic (check the   MYO guide  for more information). They can perform that kind of magic since the first tail.

Show your Kitsunegami using his/her inherent magic. Or what purpose would he/she would use the inherent magic for?

Prize:  3 Vials of energy + 300 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

2- meditation

Draw or describe your Kitsunegami meditating. Where would he/she do it? For how long?

Would it be easy for him/her to keep his/her mind focused for a meditation?

Prize:  4 Vials of energy + + 50 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

3 - memories

--->Drawing: Make a collage of different pictures about your Kitsunegami memories. It must contain at least 1 memory picture about his/her life before transforming into a Kitsunegami, 1 memory picture about his/her stay in The Dream and 1 memory picture about something happened during his life as a Kitsunegami.  You can add more things if you wish, such as photos, symbols, previous made drawings etc.
---> Writing: Write like it were your Kitsunegami's diary. An inner retrospective narration of your Kitsunegami remembering different moments of his/her life. It must contain at least 1 memory description about his/her life before transforming into a Kitsunegami, 1 memory description about his/her stay in The Dream and 1 memory description about something happened during his life as a Kitsunegami. You can add more things like thoughts about friends, etc. 
Prize:  10 Vials of energy and + 550 Wadoukaichin

Drawing Writing

4 - plans

Does your Kitsunegami have a project about something? What is it about? What steps is she/he taking for it?

Prize:  4 Vials of energy.

Drawing Writing

5 - aura Your Kitsunegami can now expand and retract a magical aura as he/she wishes. Each Aura is different, as it is related to the Kistunegami's theme.
--->Drawing: You can take an already done drawing of your Kitsunegami and just add the Aura. How does it look like?
---> Writing:  Add a description in the Artist comment of your Kitsunegami ID Card, explaining how does your Kitsunegami's Aura work and how it does look like. Does it have any effect on others?

Prize:  2 Vials of energy.

Drawing Writing

6 - inspiration

Draw or describe your Kitsunegami feeling inspired. What would he/she use that inspiration for?

Prize:  4 Vials of energy + 50 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

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