Spirit Quests

Any Kitsunegami can do Spirit Quests. You can make as many as you want, but you only need 1 to get the Badge.
Most of Spirit Quests can be done by either drawing or making a writing.
Drawings must be at least clean linearts and writings at least must have +300 words.

To notify you have done a quest write a comment on
 [DeviantArt Spirit Quests journal]       or        [Quests Toyhouse forum].


Rites are magical rituals where your Kitsunegami make a wider magical effect for some purpose.
Think of a Rite your Kitsunegami would do and show/tell us about it.

Prize: 4 Vials of energy +500 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing


Draw or describe your Kitsunegami transfering a trait to another creature/Kitsunegami. It needs to show both characters. Only Rare and Legendary traits can be transferred. The Kitsunegami who "passes" the trait loses it.

Prize:  2 Vials of energy + 350 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing


Do you remember the story of your Kitsu's  Dream? Who do you think is responsible of such manipulation and posterior body change? Who do you think has made your character the way it is, even the things it has passed? Yeah, it's you. The creator. How about drawing yourself with your beloved Kitsunegami? Or writing, how would you two interact?

Prize:  6 Vials of energy + 400 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing


Your Kitsunegami is preparing to become a Kami. What is his/her sanctuary like?
-*Drawing*: It must include a bcaground where the sanctuary can be seen.
-*Writing*: It must describe the sanctuary.
Example: Kami of the star light

Prize: 5 Vials of energy + 300 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

5 - HELPING ANOTHER WORLD *Check availability on the WORLD MAP*

The Kitsunegamis that have got at least 8 tails receive an emergency call for help! Their development at almost full potential is key for it. The group of Kitsunegamis must go on a journey to another world to help some living beings. What world and what species will be different each time this quest is activated. 

Prize: 5 Vials of energy  +1000 Wadoukaichin.



Time has passed and your Kitsunegami has became a legend. Some creatures/humans tell stories about them. Draw or describe a legend about your Kitsunegami. It can include other Kitsunegamis too.

Prize: 5 Vials of energy + 300 Wadoukaichin.

Drawing Writing

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