
Faun is both myth and race; born from natural magics, they live primarily in secretive natural cities and towns away from the eyes of the other races. Born out of Pan's loneliness, they were made so he felt a little less like something rare. Fauns of that time were impressive, not kept to any one form. Some took more animal like traits, while some kept a more humanoid appearance. As long as they were happy, Pan was happy. They lived cloisters and cities considered marvels because of natural construction. Which lead to them drawing the eyes of other races who grew jealous. 

Eventually the actions of ancient humans lead to the culling of many of the older faun. Crushing the spirit of their god, who ushered them further into the forests and jungles they lived in. In a last ditch effort to protect his children, he made sure that their cloisters were protected. Faun cloisters are hard to find on the best of days; however the main cloisters are near impossible to find.

The faun who chose to mingle with those who are deemed "enemies" or against what Pan sees as 'good' for his people often hear less and less as the years go by. Which makes the recent sightings of more and more faun more interesting. Especially for the Scholars who throw many theories around; Fauns being an original human race, descendants of elves that delved into nature magic, and more. Even if they were the ones who lost the original story of the faun given to them.

Faun know three languages; Common, Sylvan, and Elven.

Appearance of Fauns

Faun are considered humanoid; an upper body that appears similar to elves and lower legs like ungulates. They can be deer, goats, sheep, and other similar animals. Most faun also sport horns or antlers that grow a 1/4in per day. They generally keep them short for ease of movement. Faun ears come in two forms; elven shaped or more animal based. If they do have elven shaped ears, there could be a layer of fur around it. There could also be a layer of fur on their forearm and/or lower arms.

Faun, no matter the gender, have incredibly fluffy sideburns. Some choose to grow them out to a chin beard while some choose to manage it.

As a whole, the species reaches maturity at 20 years old. The faun can live up to 250 years.

Examples of Acceptable Faun Traits:

  • Eye Color: Yellow, Amber, Gray, Green, Blue, Black, Brown.
  • Skin Color: Varies
  • Hair Color: Black, Brown, Red, Blonde
  • Height Range: 5’-6.5’

Race Skills and Weaknesses

  • Skills
    • Low-Light vision: Fauns can see amidst lower light than that of Humans. What is usually dim lighting can be considered normal to them.
    • Sure-Footed: Fauns can easily traverse steep and unsteady terrain without falling, and are excellent mountain climbers due to their hooves
    • Agile: Fauns can outmaneuver many foes on foot, and their natural speed helps greatly when it comes to a game of chase.
  • Weaknesses
    • Fragile: While fast, fauns cant take many physical hits before they are incapacitated. Injuries to their legs are usually grave as a broken leg rarely heals properly unless they're strictly on bed rest.
    • Colorblind: Fauns cannot see Red-Green Hues, and have trouble differentiating between the two.
    • FlightyAll fauns tend to be skittish and flighty in nature, and if they cannot fight safely at a range, then tend to just run off instead.

Helpful Faun Information for Character Creation


Fauns names can vary greatly, between being just an adjective, using an objects name, or copying other races. Generally it's whatever name the faun favors at the time, and most fauns possess multiple names; including their birth name, their favored names, and names given by friends and family.


Pan is the Patron God, as such a majority of them worship him as a result. Beyond Pan, most Faun worship mainly nature gods or elven gods, if not even just a strong member of their band, or a particularly fabled member of their own race.


While fauns are generally distrusting of all other races, including strangers of their own kind. When their homes and land arent involved, they tend to be more neutral, neither disliking or liking a group at first. They also prefer to base their interactions per individuals, and not as a whole. However, due to this, they are fierce defenders of what's theirs, so don't expect open arms or friendly faces.