Easter Event 2021 Information

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by nighty-

How It Works

This event ends on Easter morning, and takes place 3 days before Easter! Starts on April 1 and ends the morning of the 4th of April, aka Easter morning. Copper, Snowflake, and I will hide "eggs" around our TH's, the TH world, scratch, DeviantArt, and discord!!ย 

Each egg will contain different things like SBC (sand back currency, the species currency) and rare eggs will contain baby specibloom's that the first person to find them will receive!! The eggs containing SBC will be pretty easy to find, but the ones with specibloom's in them will be extremely harder!! Any speciblooms not found will be auctioned off or put up for offer.ย 

What are the eggs?ย 

I will draw small eggs and upload them around. When you click them, you will be directed to a stash file with 10 or fewer codes. You will submit the codes to me HERE, and I will give you your prize :O The codes are legit just random keyboard spams to prevent cheating >:) You CANNOT reveal egg locations OR sta.sh links to anyone. If you are caught doing this, you will be banned from this event and future events, and will not be able to redeem any egg prizes. No using side accounts or anything so you can gain more prizes!! If you find an egg with all codes used, sorry!!ย 

There will only be a limited number of codes, and if your too late, I'm really sorry but there's nothing you can do about it :") SBC is similar to point worth. 1 SBC is equal to $00.01. You can use the currency to buy art, customs, adopts, etc!! Can only be used for specibloom related things.ย 

YOU CANNOT LOOK FOR EGGS BEFORE THE EVENT STARTS!! No teaming, and any suspicious accounts that look like they are a side or duplicate for another person already participating will be banned from this event. All specibloom's earned in this event has a value of 0!! DO NOT RESELL THEM FOR ANY TYPE OF CURRENCY OR ART. NO VOUCHING EITHER. When you click on an egg, it takes you to a picture with a bunch of random "codes" on them. codes are just random numbers and letters :D You can only use one of them per egg you find. You tell me which code you got and from which egg, then I give you a prize depending on which egg you got it from :Oย 

You can find as many eggs as you'd like, but only take 1 code from each one :D


Egg and Specibloom designs: https://toyhou.se/10225555.easter-event-stuff/gallery

Egg Code Submission: https://toyhou.se/~forums/27960.easter-event-2021/204554.egg-code-submission-area

Currency Storage: https://toyhou.se/~world/65452.past-present-and-future/page/27495.currency-storage

Questions? https://toyhou.se/~forums/27960.easter-event-2021/204553.help

Egg Example: https://toyhou.se/~comments/6132949

Look for eggs around here:

  • Past Present, and Future World
  • Around TH's of nighty- wiinter taffy_drawsย 
  • On our scratch & Deviantarts!!
  • Other places as well >:)
  • Those are just some hints btw haha
  • You can find eggs hidden in comment chains, character profiles, folders, and more!


Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by nighty-


I made an example for you all to help if your confused!! I highly recommend you try out the example egg, it will help you know what your looking for :)

specibloom species announcment

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by nighty-

copper, snowflake, and i are feeling really overwhelmed with the species rn, so until we finish the tos, speciblooms are on hold. nobody is allowed to sell/trade/gift any speciblooms right now, we are working on tos.


Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by nighty-

Hey, so lately we've been seeing some people selling their speciblooms right after getting them and stuff, so that's kinda against our TOS... Um, we are still working on it but until we finish it, do not trade, sell, etc. any of your speciblooms, please. If you're seriously just trying to get speciblooms only to sell them to others who want them, please don't do that?? Ack, it makes me and the other creators uncomfy, and so we would appreciate it if you wouldn't, especially if you got the specibloom for free. We will notify everyone when we finish TOS, but for now, we have a work in progress TOS on Past, Present, and Future World.

Future Event Ideas!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by nighty-

These are just some future event ideas that we may or may not do!! Feel free to recommend some!!

Trick or Treat Eventย (idea by @Cozy_Niqht inspired by waterdog event and Leekeet Christmas event)

ย If a user draws one art piece of other members' speciblooms for 5 days at least, they get to pick 1 thing out of a raffle bag!! If they draw 5, they get one draw out of the bag, 10, 2 draws, etc!! Max drawings is 30 :'D Doubt anyone will draw that many though ahaha

The treat bag includes sand bank currency (sbc), myo's (common, uncommon, rare, super rare, legendary!!), customs from either @Snowflqke taffy_draws @Cozy_Niqht or a quest artist, art requests from also @Snowflqke taffy_draws @Cozy_Niqht etc.!!

Specibloom Month!ย (idea by ThunderShock)

Planning to be in July, daily prompts will be posted, and users who complete a certain amount of prompts get a prize, prize undecided! We will be giving out art, myo's, customs, etc.!

Easter Hunt!ย (idea inspired by easter egg hunts, ac easter event, idea by @Cozy_Niqht!)

Small comments will be hidden around the species world, users' profiles, etc!! Each comment/egg will be worth a different amount of sbc (sand bank currency) which you can use to buy myo's, art, customs, or adopts!! 3 golden eggs will be hidden that will contain a rare myo!! The first user to comment they found it will be given the golden egg!! The event will go on for around a week until Easter Day and hints will be given out to help users find things!!

Monthly First Time Owner Raffles!ย (inspired by many artists and creators, recommended by ThunderShock)

Every month, we will hold a first-time owner raffle! This means anyone who does not yet have a Specibloom and has never owned one will be given the chance to get one!! Most raffle Speciblooms will only contain common traits, sometimes uncommon traits!!

Specibloom Secret Santaย (inspired by many artists and creators)

All Specibloom owners who choose to participate will be assigned a user to make a gift for. You will pick one of your assigned users Speciblooms and draw them! On Christmas day, gifts will be given!!

Official Specibloom QnA

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by nighty-

Have questions about the Species? Ask them here!! (Ping taffy_draws, nighty-, and Generations for quicker response!)