A Closed Species by PumpkinCatCarnival 


File_029(1).gifTerms Of ServiceFile_029(1).gif

These are the Terms of Service for the Closed species Bunny Wish Snails.
These Terms of Service apply to all platforms on which Bunny Wish Snail related content.
Terms and Conditions may undergo changes in the future, If changes are made, they will be announced in a bulletin.  
By participating in Bunny Wish Snail groups, adopts, or events, you are agreeing
File_025.gifto the terms listed below, so please read carefully! File_025.gif
File_025.gif Bunny Wish Snails are a Closed Species owned by PumpkinCatCarnival (previous username EvaMissTopia)
Making your own requires a MYO ticket or written permission from PumpkinCatCarnival, 
such as Guest Artist Permission etc.

File_025.gifCopying, Tracing or Heavily referencing the species to create your own species or characters
is not allowed and theft will not be tolerated.
File_025.gifIf you own a Bunny Wish Snail, please give credit to the Species somewhere on their profile,
please add the character to the World.

 File_025.gifBunny Wish Snails can be used off site as long as credits are given. 
Please always credit the person who designed your BWS.
 File_025.gifRe-trading, Re-gifting or Re-selling your Bunny Wish Snail is allowed, 
however you are not allowed to resell a purchased design for more than what you purchased, 
unless accompanied with extra art equivalent to the cost.
If you do raise the price due to extra art, you must state the original purchase price 
and breakdown of art worth to the buyer.  
File_025.gif   MYO designs have a re-trade cooldown of at least one Month after the design has been officially approved.

File_025.gif MYO tickets obtained through free events or trades cannot be re-sold or traded (see events for details).
MYO event tickets can only be obtained directly through myself and are numbered, see Events for details.
File_025.gif Co-ownership is not recommended for Bunny Wish Snails and this group will not be held accountable
nor assist if issues arise due to co-ownership of characters.
  File_025.gifIf you create a humanoid or other species version of your Bunny Wish Snail, you must still credit the species
and not alter the original design. The original species/design must always remain a Bunny Wish Snail.
File_025.gif  This group has the right to remove anybody from the world associated with the Species
who is deemed a threat to the species and group, or is suspected to be involved with theft, stealing, tracing or copying.
File_025.gifALL MYOs (make your own) permissions must be obtained through PumpkinCatCarnival
All MYO designs must be approved by PumpkinCatCarnival before being made official

File_025.gifTo get your MYO design approved please send PumpkinCatCarnival a DM with
a clear image of your design along with your ticket number and  a list of all traits used in the design.
You can also upload the character as "non official" and ping me in the comment.

File_025.gifMYO terms and design guidelines must be followed,
please read through the  MYOs and Design Guidelines thoroughly before creating.
 File_025.gif If you are purchasing a creation from a guest artist, 
you must follow the guest artists rules, as well as the TOS of Bunny Wish Snails.
IMG_7322.GIFFile_025.gifThanks for readingFile_025.gif
