🌷 FAQs

A Closed Species by PumpkinCatCarnival 


File_029(1).gifFrequently Asked QuestionsFile_029(1).gif

I get asked these questions quite often! so thought I would put them all together
If you can't find an answer to your question, please comment on the main page
or contact PumpkinCatCarnival or a Mod

Can I make my own Bunny Wish Snail?
You can only make your own Bunny Wish Snail through purchasing a MYO ticket 
or participating in free MYO events.
s5.pngCan I sell or trade my Bunny Wish Snail?
You are allowed to only sell if you purchased them or purchased MYO for the original design.
You  are allowed to trade your Bunny Wish Snail if you no longer want them, 
 but MYOs have a one month cooldown from the creation date.
Please respect the rules of the person you purchased them from. They are not to be sold if obtained through
trade or free, if they were purchased, they can only be resold at the same price as
 purchased (unless additional art is included and art value is listed along with the original purchase price).
bb6.pngIs there a Masterlist for Bunny Wish Snails?
A masterlist is still in development, but will hopefully be a feature added to the world soon.

sd1dsfdf.pngCan I post or share my Bunny Wish Snail on other social media?
Yes you can, but please always credit the species as "Bunny Wish Snails"
 A closed species by PumpkinCatCarnival and give a link to the Toyhouse world page.
Please refrain from sharing to Pinterest if possible, as it is associated with species, design and art theft.

sdfsdfd.pngCan I be a guest artist?
I have decided to currently not do any more guest artists.
If you were a previous guest artist and wish to see the old GA reward system, please go here.
If I decide to allow more guest artists in the future, I will post a bulletin to the main world.

s6.pngDoes the design of the Bunny Wish Snail Depend on what wish gave them life?
Most of the time, but it's up to you to decide what that wish could be.
BWS are loosely tied to their lore.

tinybaby6.pngDo you make custom Bunny Wish Snail adoptables ?
yes! I have BWS customs open here.

s8.pngCan I make accessories for my Bunny Wish snail, like glasses and hats?
yes, you are allowed to make them accessories as long as they cannot be mistaken for other traits (such as wings, tails etc).
s7.pngCan I humanize my Bunny Wish Snail, or Turn them into a different species?
Yes, you can change them, but please keep the original as a closed species  design and give credits for where the design was based from.
Please  be  sure to read all the TOS if you plan to merge them with another  Closed Species and have permission from the other species you wish to  merge with.
s2.pngCan I change or alter my Bunny Wish Snail design?
It depends on the design and the changes you want to make. It also depends on who made the design.
If  it is a MYO you can make minor changes such as pattern or color of one  to two elements of the design, as long as they are still recognisable  and does not interfere with their traits or rarities. If the design was  made by myself or a guest artist you must ask the creator first.
s9.pngCan I do commissions or drawings for people who own Bunny Wish Snails?
ie, draw other peoples snails for money/exchange of goods?
Yes, you are allowed to do commissions or art of other peoples snails, 
but the Bunny Wish Snail must be an approved design.
s1.png How does gravity work for Bunny Wish Snails, do they have their own gravity field inside their shells?
It  depends on the design, for snails with a shell filled with liquid,  their gravity would be the same as our world,  
so as they rotate, so  would the liquid inside. For snails that have a  set world inside of  their shell, 
it may not move at all if the snail rotates, as it would  have its own gravity field keeping it fixed inside  the shell.
 If you  have questions about a particular design though please ask!
s4.png Can I request a new feature or type to be added for Bunny Wish Snails?
 Suggestions   are always welcome whether you would like to see a new type of trait 
such as a new type of antennae or other base designs, I will always take 
suggestions into account with future rarities constantly being added!
s3.pngAm I allowed to use them in a story if I credit the species?
Of course! Once you own a Bunny Wish Snail, you are free to make stories, art, roleplay etc with your character.
sd41f56d.png Do you have a Bunny Wish Snail discord?
No, but I have a semi-private art/adoptable/comfy sfw Discord server that includes a Bunny Wish Snail channel,
 if you would like to join, and are over 13yo,  please send me a direct message PumpkinCatCarnival
and I can send you an invitation.