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A Closed Species by PumpkinCatCarnival 


  File_025.gifEvery time a wish is made, the universe responds by gifting a Bunny Wish Snail life.File_025.gif

Bunny Wish Snails are small creatures that are spawned when wishes are made.
Their appearance and shell filling often resembles the wish they were created from.
  A Bunny Wish Snail will appear  somewhere close to where their wish was made
and can either be adopted by the wish maker or by somebody else.
IMG_6634.GIF   The Bunny Wish Snail has been provided by the universe to help deliver that wish.
Bunny Wish Snails live infinitely, and although they usually have a drive to fulfill the wish that created them, they are not completely bound to it. Though most BWS will see their wish as their main purpose and do what they can to achieve it, however they see suitable.
IMG_6634.GIFOnce a Bunny Wish Snail has delivered their wish they may feel a sense of freedom and a desire to move on to do other things, though most of the time stay with their owner as a pet for the duration of their owners lifespan.
IMG_6634.GIFSome retired Bunny Wish Snails may return to the Bunny Wish Snail universe "Wishtopia"
where other Bunny Wish Snails peacefully reside, if they no longer feel they have a purpose or are looking for a new home.
Bunny Wish Snails can be found across the universe and are not tied to Earth alone, but wherever wishes can be made.


File_025.gifSize and Body File_025.gif
All Bunny Wish Snails are only around the size of a hamster and do not grow any larger.
Their bodies are soft and smooth, with many different variants available (see Traits).
They have four stubby legs which are used to slide them along their
     bellies but have little strength to stand on.
 They like to sit up but can be easily unbalanced, sometimes requiring assistance if they fall on their sides.
 They usually have no tails, but tails can be found in some rare types.
Their bellies will cling to almost any surface, enabling them to stick to anything solid, either vertically or even upside down.
File_025.gifShells File_025.gif
 Their most distinctive feature is  their  large shell  which  is attached to their back.
 This is where the wish is stored and is what gives the creature life.
This shell is often made of a semi-transparent glass like material allowing their wish to be seen inside.
 Bunny Wish Snails are usually very proud of their wishes and snails with a
solid color or covered shell are generally more shy.
File_025.gifEars and AntennaeFile_025.gif
Every snail has leaf-like ear flaps which connect to the top of their heads, these are light and flexible,
 with multiple variants possible, but the ear shape almost always remains the same.
  Their antennae can be in various shapes and styles (see  Traits).

Bunny Wish Snails are quite slow and like to sleep, but can become bouncy and energetic when excited.
They like to climb and sit in high places, where they will make themselves comfortable and sleep.
  Care should be taken when letting your Bunny Wish Snail roam, as they like to adventure, 

always searching for new cosy places and sleepy spots, which are often in quiet and difficult to reach places.
ezgif-6-fe8460288d.gif Bunny Wish Snails like to be in  environments that resonate with their wish and will become happy
or excited when they are around objects 
that represent the wish they were created from.  

They are naturally peaceful animals but can be used for battles in attempt to protect their user from harm.
They are also very playful when around other Bunny Wish Snails, but in larger groups they
may try to gain more attention than the other snails in an attempt to get more pats or treats.
ezgif-6-fe8460288d.gifAlthough these are known to be the general behavior of Bunny Wish Snails,
their personalities and behavior vary from snail to snail and all or none of these  
traits may apply to each individual snail.

File_029(1).gifmagic.png File_029(1).gif
Bunny Wish Snails are naturally magical creatures with the type of magic depending 
on the wish they were created from.
No magic can be used to kill, as all Bunny Wish Snails are good-natured.
There is no limit on magic  potential if proper training and care is taken.  
If a Bunny Wish Snail uses too much magic and energy it must eat and sleep to regain its power.
If they do not rest or over use their power, they may get sick and will be unable
 to perform magic for a period of time.
s5d1f2.pngMagic  must be used carefully and training is recommended. 
Bunny Wish Snails are also known to attract luck and carrying  around one may bring you good fortune!
Bunny Wish Snails can also be used to help boost another magical beings power or can possess healing abilities.

Bunny Wish Snails make wonderful and loving pets and species all over the universe
 have been known to keep them as companions. These magical creatures are well respected
by people, with some civilisations  even treating them as deities or living gods.
Some people also choose to use them as a battle companion or for magical protection.
Once a long-time bond is made with a Bunny Wish Snail, they become extremely loyal and trusting to their
owner and can be trained to perform magic upon request or assist their owner in other ways.
Once a Bunny Wish Snail has made a bond with an owner they will become very
cuddly and clingy, and love to be held and petted.
If a Bunny Wish Snail is over-affectionate it will constantly try to "stick" to its owner,
  this usually occurs when a Snail has no other companions, the best solution is to find it a friend.
Bunny Wish Snails love attention and every snail dreams of having a permanent loving home.
They get along well with other animals and will snuggle up to any creature they like.
ezgif-6-fe8460288d.gifBunny Wish Snails are very social creatures and love to be around others.
 If you have two or more snails it is common to see them doing things together,
snuggling or stacking on top of one another.

All Bunny Wish Snails are herbivores and will only eat plant based foods and fruits.
 They eat very little and only really require food after using large amounts of magic.

Though they do have a habit for nibbling/tasting plants or leaves or snacking
 whenever they get a chance.