
Guardian Spirit: Breezestep ♀ / Former Clan: WindClan

Territory: An open moor with sparse shrub cover that's home to rabbits and a small selection of birds and mice for hunting. Supporting the high thunderpath that cuts above the hills are the twoleg trees, thick stone pillars where fallen twoleg junk can sometimes be found, and near the edge of the mountains around the highest hill is the camp. Below the camp is a flater area used as the training hollow and near the border stream is a collection of empty burrows that lead down into a small frequently flooded tunnel network. In the surrounding mountains where the cats frequently venture to avoid accidental border crosses is a deep canyon referred to as the sprinting chasm that is used by young warriors to show off. Here they practice dashing and springing across the chasm to prove their speed. On the edge of the explored land is an area where coyotes pass and hunt.

Camp: The highest hill set back against the first mountain of the range. The lower area of the hill is littered with small burrows sometimes used as temporary shelters by the warriors and apprentices and a dip near the top beside a large rock is claimed by the leader. Small alcoves in the mountain behind the hill are used as dens for the elders, nursery, and medicine cat with a small stream running down beside the medicine den. Above these dens near the mountaintop is a wide ledge called the watch heights where warriors are assigned to stand guard over the camp.

Cat Description: These are thin compact cats built for speed with short fur and long tails. Unlike most cats their back claws do not retract and their front only partially retract so they can move faster. Because they're constantly traveling over larger distances than the other clans they've developed strong jaws and adapted to use their tail for carrying so they can bring prey and other important things back to camp. Their pelt colors generally range on the brown-grey side with darker stripes or spots and orange or gold eyes. Their speech patterns are more winded than other cats and once they get going it's difficult to keep up or make them stop.

Adapted Traits: Burst Dash, Non-Retractable Claws, Strong Jaws, Enhanced Speed & Smell

Weaknesses: Reckless Independence, Frequent Trespassing, Difficulty Slowing Down

Hunting Skills: Basic hunting these cats dash at prey and knock it into the air before catching it with their teeth or pounce and trap it beneath their paws. They can also use their speed for powerful leaps to knock flying prey out of the air. More advanced teamwork hunting involves chasing the prey into the waiting jaws of their partner.

Fighting Skills: Basic fighting strategy utilizes their speed to deliver quick swipes or nips and powerful bashes to knock the opponent away. Using a very controlled version of their full speed dash they can also create temporary mirage doubles to confuse opponents.
