Guardian Spirits

Each clan has a guardian spirit, a StarClan cat from the old clans that helped to create the new, and these spirits are different from most members of StarClan in that they can freely walk alongside their chosen clan's leader even in the waking world. In this state though they can only be seen and heard by their own leader and medicine cat or the other guardian spirits. Despite this power to more directly interfere with their clan's daily lives most of the guardian spirits retain a paws off approach and prefer to only visit and guide their clans in dreams as StarClan was meant to do.

BlazeClan: Marshflame

IceClan: Silverstar was the eldest and most respected of those that came forward to claim new clans, but she was also the strictest in sticking to the old code. This stubborn refusal to adapt a new code to this new setting was one of the major issues that led to Starclan's rejection of the early Leapclan and the subsequent split within Starclan itself. While the war that followed with the rogues did settle her some she still never fully accepted Leapclan or their looser version of the warrior code.

WaterClan: Littlekit was the youngest and smallest of the cats that stepped forward to become guardians, and he was the last to claim a spot among them (though he was properly recognized before Night). In the early days this age difference made him more nervous and timid around the other guardians but with encouragement from the older guardians and his first leader he slowly gained confidence and became more secure in his position. After successfully guiding and supporting his new clan for many moons he was offered a chance to take a full warrior name but decided against it as he felt keeping his name as is was a way to better honor his old clan without rejecting the new.

SpeedClan: Breezestep was a very excitable cat and was the first to jump onboard with Marshflame's plan to recreate the clans. She could be serious when the occasion called for it but she preferred to let the older guardians take the lead when necessary. She enjoyed doing not standing around talking and it was likely her early influence that inspired much of Speedclan's present day adventurous nature.

LeapClan: Night(kit)