Comet Dividers


The basic group rules are very simple: no harassment or art theft. Basically, handle personal disputes maturely, leave constructive comments, and don't steal characters or designs.

If you have an issue, please contact the group or /SeraphicSage privately. Do not bring up personal issues with other users on character or event posts. Please leave other questions on the Questionnaire Hub forum or PM /SeraphicSage.

This is a SFW group, so make sure any works containting any NSFW content, including nudity, sexual content, gore, or deeply sensitive topics, are properly flagged with's "mature content" system. Characters containing untagged NSFW will be removed.

Any submissions found to be in violation of ToS or U.S. law will result in immediate removal from the group.

Follow basic internet etiquette. Don't post anything that you wouldn't want to be seen by the public.

Full Rules

About the Species


Hello and welcome to Astalus 02, home and HQ of the Comet Dividers closed species! The classification as a "closed" species means that you cannot make your own Comet Divider or Defective/Meteor Sprite without permission! You are perfectly welcome to engage in the species by drawing other's characters (including NPCs), chatting with other members, and otherwise participating if you don't own your own character. All interest is appreciated!

Essentially, Comet Dividers are humanoid aliens that travel through space on comets. They have unique eyes, ornamented tails and antennae, fluffy ears, and wings that they use to navigate space.

Important Stuff to Know About the Species
-One eye must ALWAYS be closed, and the chosen eye should be consistent in art. The closed eye can also be covered by any decoration/accessory.
-Skin texture is always a human tone unless they have a Defective trait or a special event trait allowing other tones.
-If following the lore, Comet Dividers do not have any reproductive parts. You are free to deviate from this for other art but not MYO submissions or canon event submissions.

About the World

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The majority of Comet Dividers explore space on their own personal comets, forging their own path in different galaxies. However, Astalus 02 remains as the home base for many of the species, and it serves as a city headquarters and place of worship. The planet and city are just short of a utopia made from centuries of blending the knowledge, culture, and life of flourishing worlds throughout the universe. The architecture is most reminiscent of Earth’s medieval era, but it harnesses technological power that can only be described as magic to the average viewer. The city runs on a primarily coin-based economy, though crafts, crops, and acts of labor can be exchanged for goods and services as well. Spreading knowledge and sociable interactions are highly encouraged, so the residents are more than enthusiastic to greet newcomers and show them around their many famous establishments (such as museums and libraries). The castle that houses Astra and Lunara lies at the hindmost edge of the city, surrounded by a great mote. Visiting Comet Dividers can enter to pray and ask for blessings at the many holy wells as well as even request an audience with the deities themselves. This is often done to request healing or good fortune in love, birth, and righteousness. Comet Dividers that live on or within their comets may decorate it in many ways. Some choose to drill into the surface to create a cozy cove away from view, while others make extravagant façades for huge castles. Their humble abodes will shield them from most dangers and can be guided by a Comet Divider. It is possible for a Comet Divider to move to another Comet or own multiple, but most stay attached to their first home.

Group Event Calendar

Current Event

Upcoming Events

  • Draconids/Orionids MYO Event (2021)Oct. 7 - Oct. 22 | Meteor Shower
  • Night of Lunyx (2021/2022)Dec. 23 - Jan. 31 | Raffle Adopt Event | Art Contest

Past Events

Group Staff





Latest Bulletin

The Leuchtturm [Forum Directory]

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by SeraphicSage

"Welcome to the Leuchtturm. These quick links may help you navigate the forums."