
The official species mascot and beloved tour guide for Astalus 02. Ever-cheerful and loyal to a fault, Adden is always open to welcoming new friends. Adden


Revered by most Comet Dividers, these two are the God and Goddess of the species. Though mysterious, they lovingly rule over their species from the capital city's temple. Astra and Lunara


The official city librarian that runs his business at the Leuchtturm. His sarcastic and cynical nature may be off-putting to some, but he is renowned for his intelligence and does harbor a sweet side. Weiss


An ex-knight who now runs the most peculiar shop in the marketplace due to her connections. She's a true maverick with a strong willpower and also quite a traditional lady. Rosa


A remarkably timid girl who prefers to watch the world from afar. Sensitive and highly self-conscious, she's unlikely to socialize for long, but she is rather knowledgeable. Io


A travelling eccentric artist who can sometimes be found wandering the market. She may seem a bit aloof at first, but she's instantly gregarious when engaged in the topic of art. Estelle