Cutiefloof MYO

33887337_Y2Sma2mZh38YjdD.pngMYO tickets Status: CLOSED
Please see the prices for MYOs below

You can check Cutiefloof rarities by looking at their type traits and their global traits.
I am always happy to discuss the traits and the rarity before purchases are made to help
calculate the ticket required for the desired design.


All MYOs must be approved before publicly posting anywhere, to get your MYO approved, please send me a DM on toyhouse or contact me through Discord if you are part of my server.

MYO designs must be approved by PumpkinCatCarnival before being published.

You can only begin to make your own Cutiefloof after purchasing a ticket and being given a MYO number.

You must read and accept the TOS before creating your own Cutiefloof
You can either use your own base for your MYO or use the bases provided in the Resources folder.
If you use one of my bases, please give credit to the base.
If you are using your own base/style please try to keep proportions accurate for the species.
Guidelines, Rarities and species traits must be followed! 
Please only purchase tickets if you are 100% sure on the purchase 
Refunds will only be given under specific special circumstances
When you purchase a ticket, you will receive a MYO number which will identify your MYO slot.
You may gift someone a MYO slot, but please let me know so I can assign their name to the slot number.
You are not allowed to buy MYO tickets with intention to sell the designs.
You may re-sell a MYO design in the future if you no longer wish to keep them,
but not with the intent to make profit.
If you would like to make Cutiefloofs for adoptables, please see the Guest Artist Page (WIP GAs currently closed)
 You may purchase a MYO ticket and commission a willing artist to design your Cutiefloof for you,
However they must be familiar with the species and the species traits/rarities.
The design will still need to be approved before being made official.
One ticket is the equivalent to one slot of that particular rarity.

33887337_Y2Sma2mZh38YjdD.pngMYO Slots & Prices (USD)
Common - $5  

Uncommon - $8

Rare - $12

Ultra Rare - $16

Legendary - $20

Mythical - Currently Unavailable



To Purchase, please contact PumpkinCatCarnival through DMs on Toyhouse,
 Discord or through the world comments.
 Payments are currently only accepted through Paypal

Sales are final, and you will receive your MYO ticket number once payment is received.
You can only begin your design once you have received your MYO ticket number.

This  exchange is for upgrading MYO tickets that have been obtained through  rewards, 
freebies etc for higher rarity MYO tickets. (This System  excludes Event Tickets)

Upgrading Common Tickets:
2x Common Tickets = 1x Uncommon
3x Common Tickets = 1x Rare
5x Common Tickets = 1x Ultra Rare
7x Common Tickets = 1x Legendary

Upgrading Uncommon Tickets:
2x UnCommon Tickets = 1x Rare
3x UnCommon Tickets = 1x Ultra Rare
4x UnCommon Tickets = 1x Legendary

Upgrading Rare Tickets:
2x Rare Tickets = 1x Ultra Rare
3x Rare Tickets = 1x Legendary