Global Traits

 Cutiefloof Global Traits and Rarities 

33887337_Y2Sma2mZh38YjdD.pngAll current CutieFloof rarities 
Common - a floof with no special traits 
Uncommon - a floof with 1-3 Uncommon traits (4 or more = Rare) 
Rare - a floof with 1-3 Rare traits (3 or more = Ultra Rare) 
Ultra Rare - a floof with 1 Ultra Rare trait (2 or more = Legendary) 
Legendary - a floof with 1 Legendary trait (2 or more = Mythical) 
Mythical - a floof with 1 Mythical trait (2 or more = ???) 

Global Traits Cutiefloofs have different rarities based on global traits and type specific traits.
All global traits can be found listed below.
Type specific traits can be found in each type of floofs description here:
 Global traits can be applied to any type of Floof (unless stated otherwise) 

These will be updated as more traits are added in the future.

Global Uncommon Traits 
Object on head - this object is fixed to the floof and cannot be removed 
Odd color eyes - Two (or more) different colored eyes

Wings - can be any type of wing not usually seen on that type of floof, must be smaller than body (only applicable to non-winged floofs) 
Unicorn horn - only applies for non ponyfloof types
Global Rare Traits
Extra Eyes - Numerous eyes, can be anywhere on bodyFloral - small floral growth on the body, including leaves, plants and flowers
Single Halo - can be any shape 
Embedded Gems - usually found in stone or metallic types, gems will be embedded in the floof
Scars/Stitches - when a floof has scars or stitches 
Glow - the floof will glow or emit light, can be partial with only certain features or patterns glowing or fully
Extra horns - only applicable for horned types, must match style of existing horns
Fire eyes - eyes will emit light and appear to have flames from them, can be any color 
Object on Tail - An Object on the end of the tail, only applicable to long tailed types
Galaxy Floof - floof will have a galaxy coat (any color), floofs are rarely hatched in space!

Particles - Emits small light particles
Glitchy - Digital appearance sometimes transparent often missing pixels and looks like a glitch
Bloom - has at least one large flower (usually on its head or tail), plants grow around it wherever it goes and will leave a trail of flowers. Often surrounded by butterflies and small insects 

Global Ultra-Rare Traits 2-4 Tails - when a floof has 2-4 tails (one must be natural tail)
Cyclops - when a Floof has only one eye in the center of the forehead 
Slime or Jelly - when a Floof has a semi transparent jelly like form (not applicable to SquidgyFloofs)
Plushy - when a floof takes on an appearance of a plush toy with material, patches and occasionally buttons
 Tail Ring - a ring usually gold or metallic, will float around the tail, most seen in long tailed types
Double Halo - double halos can either be stacked, criss-crossed or over each ear, can be any shape

Broken Halo - partially broken halo, can be either a single halo or double 
Turtle Shell - When a Floof has a shell attached to its back (not applicable to shell types) 
Metallic - either partly or fully made of metal, gold, silver, chrome or bronze 
 Misty - floof has a mist surrounding it, often resembling small clouds

 Candle - floof either partially or fully made of wax, will have at least one wick on their body (flame can be any color)
Bloom - has at least one large flower (usually on its head or tail), plants grow around it wherever it goes and will leave a trail of flowers. Often surrounded by butterflies and small insects

Global Legendary Traits Rainbow Floof - when a Floof is hatched under a Rainbow and has a full rainbow coat 
Spliced Floof - when a Floof is two different types of CutieFloof, usually half and half 
Glass Floof - When a floofs main form is taken as glass or crystal (can have liquid or objects inside) or be cracked 

Dark matter - a floof which is of dark ghosty apprearance, emits dark particles, semi transparent
more coming soon...
Global Mythical Traits 
+5 Tails - When a Floof has more than 5 tails it is considered a DemiGod
more coming soon...