
Magical Mt. Rye was located right smack in the middle of Rye Island, which was right smack in the middle of the ocean, with no other land for thousands of miles around. It was here that animals lived and flourished without the presence of humans. The mountain's magic made the island very beautiful and rich with forests, crystal clear beaches, and luscious fields.

The inhabitants of Rye Island were many different species, and they worked together to improve the island. They also discovered how to harvest magical stones, called artifacts, from Mt. Rye. Using the magic from the artifacts, they created a bubble around they're island and lifted it to the sky. Now Rye Island was safe from any danger... or so they thought.

One day, the island began to tremble. Many thought it was an earthquake, but Mt. Rye was no longer connected to the ground, so how could that be? Then the creatures realized that they're beloved Mt. Rye was a volcano.

They tried to flee to safety, but while the bubble protected Rye from the outside world, it also kept everything inside from escaping. As the volcano erupted, flaming shards of magical rocks were strewn across the island. Many creatures living on the island were impaled with these shards. However, instead of killing them, the magic in the shards transformed into flames that danced across each creature's fur. T

his is how the first emberkits were born.