general information


Even before the eruption of beloved Mt. Rye, the inhabitants of the island worked together and existed peacefully. They built cities, farms, and paths. They discovered ways to use the abundant resources of Rye Island to keep the environment healthy, and make life easy and fun.

Emberkits in general are care-free and easy going. They all get along to preserve their way of life and honor the island's magic.


Some emberkits live in cities. They have towering skyscrapers and impressive architectural buildings. Emberkit cities seamlessly combine advanced technology with nature. Many buildings sport neon signs, and have huge balconies or terraces filled with plants, creating the illusions of being in a futuristic forest. Emberkits in the city mainly use a network of escalators called the canopy to get from building to building. Some still prefer to walk, in which case there are sidewalks and stairs parrelel to the canopy.

Other emberkits live in small towns. They have a main circle with a few shops and public buildings, called the bloom. There is often a park at the center of the bloom. The rest of the town is built in rings around the bloom, with houses being closer together towards the center of the bloom. The farther out from the bloom you go, the more land there is between houses. Small farmers often choose to settle here, closer to a bloom rather than out in the country.

A few emberkits choose to live in the country. They simply choose a place to build their house and farm, usually far away from cities and towns so they can be in tune with nature. Sometimes, 3 or 4 families of emberkits will build they're houses close together and share resources, beingcoming a micro-bloom with their farmland stretching out around them. Country emberkits take their extra harvest to towns, and sometimes cities, once a month, where they sell it or trade.

Lastly, there are Quetzals. Quetzals are emberkits born with the ability to shape and control the island's magic. They are travelers who journey across the island all year long, checking for anything amiss. They also make sure the protective bubble around Rye is still strong. Some Quetzals choose to settle down after a while, and act as police officers in their area.


even emberkits have holidays!! 

The most famous holiday is Rye Festival, and is celebrated on the day artifacts were use to lift Rye to the safety of the sky. Every year on the day before Rye Festival, all emberkits journey to a large cavern near the top of Mt. Rye and sleep inside the mountain. This ritual is said to give emberkits a boost of energy from sleeping close to their magical ancestors. 

When they wake the next morning, the emberkits socialize over a delicious feast. Afterwards, most young emberkits play games or go exploring in the various caverns of Mt. Rye. Adult emberkits will usually hang around and talk, or enjoy some sunshine with their friends. Quetzals journey deep into the heart of Mt. Rye to recharge their magic, and sometimes bring a few lucky souls with them.

There are also many smaller holidays, but most are pertinent to where the emberkit lives!! Emberkits in the city have canopy day, where everyone plants a tree or plant in a terrace, or builds a new terrace to fill with plants! Town emberkits have bloom day, when the all gather at the park in the bloom to celebrate the founding of their town. Country emberkits have harvest festivals, when they meet up with their closest neighbors and share their bounty. Quetzals of course, live a quite life and only join the festivities on Rye Festival.