
emberkit species rules:

- general dos/don'ts apply when interacting in the world.

- do not make counterfeit myos or emberkits. attempting to scam emberkit characters will have you removed and blocked from the world, and you will be no longer allowed to own emberkits.

- make sure to get your emberkit masterlist pending within 3 days of creating them, or they will be considered invalid. If a mod or admin comments that they will get the masterlist up soon, that counts as 'masterlist pending,' and even if they take longer than 3 days to update it your emberkit will still be accepted. Do not add your emberkit to the world until they are approved, and then a mod will add them for you.

- your emberkit's traits list will be made publicly available on the masterlist, so you do not need to have it on the character profile unless you choose to. if you wish to upgrade/add a trait, talk to an admin!

- no special trade regulations surround emberkits, but do not resell gifts/prizes or resell/retrade emberkits for more than they are worth unless the buyer is aware of the fact when purchasing. In addition, be sure to follow all designer TOS when trading an emberkit designer by them

- if you're looking to join as a mod or admin, there's a codeword to make sure you read the rules. when it asks you if you read the species rules, include and emoji or typeface along with your answer. For guest artists or designers, the codeword is to link your favorite emberkit design in the 'why are you interested in being a guest artist/designer?'. failure to do this when applying will disqualify your application :]

- emberkit co-owns are allowed. if you have a dispute, contact me or an admin. co-owned emberkits must be marked as so, either in the name or profile. before trading co-owns, talk to the other owner.