Beginner's Guide

Beginner's Guide

Welcome to The World of Delvorina! The World of Delvorina is an Open World Art Role Playing Game (ArtRPG or ARPG for short); anyone is allowed to join and participate in any way they'd like. This is where you can find all the necessary info to get a feel for the world and get started.

Delvorina is a fantasy world full of sentient dolls, some with magical abilities, that is set in a time similar to the medieval times on Earth. The world is split into a variety of kingdoms and clans, each with a ton of different characters in them, along with a scattered handful of islands and continents that belong to no one, shared primarily by rogues. There's various NPCs to interact with, along with other players, and a lot of places to explore and things to learn about.


The rules are important and must be followed here. You can find them here.

What is an ARPG?

Art Role Playing Games (ArtRPGs or ARPGs) are games with a heavy focus on the creation of art and other media, storytelling, and growth/development. You often have to draw, write, etc. while building upon your character(s) and part of the world in order to advance in the game. Many give multiple options and opportunities for you to work on your own or collaborate with others.

In Delvorina, there's a level system to track your advancement. The further you advance the more you develop your story and unlock things in the world. You can gain levels by completing prompts and exploring the world. Everyone starts out at Level 0, and you have to complete 2 set prompts in order to get to Level 1. Once at Level 1, you get to choose what prompts you do and you get the option to join in on exploration.

ARPG Information

How to Play
Getting Started

To get started in your journeys in Delvorina, you'll need to obtain a Main Doll. This Doll will act as your primary character during interactive events and will be used for art/writing/edit/video prizes (unless specified otherwise in some situations), though can be swapped with others at any point. You can submit a ticket for them here, to get them created, get a Doll from someone, or make one yourself with a MYO (you can claim a Starter MYO here). There are 5 types of Doll to pick from: Porcelain, Plastic, Clay, Wood, and Cloth. Once they're designed and you get their base information written, you're ready to get started on the next part of the set up.


To finish the set up, you'll need to set up a storage area. This could be a thread in the appropriate forum, a new character just for that info, a website, etc. We just need to be able to see it and it has to be easily accessible. This'll store all of your info, like:

  • Who your Main Doll is, their ID#, and a link to their profile
  • Who your Secondary Dolls are, their ID#s, and links to their profiles
  • Who your Companions are, who they're attached to (if anyone), their CID#s, and links to their profiles
  • Your Custom NPCs and who they're attached to
  • How much currency you have and a log of how it changed over time
  • A list of your Items and how they were obtained
  • A list of interactive events you participated in
  • Your completed Leveling Tasks

Once your storage is set up, you'll want to go here to get it archived here.

Welcome to the rest of the world!

Now that everything has been set up, you can do whatever you'd like in the rest of the world and continue in the ARPG.

Templates and Resources

There's some free to use templates scattered around that you can use for various things within Delvorina. Here's a list of them:

There aren't any pay to use templates here yet, but if any pop up they might get added here.

And here's a list of templates/forms you'll need for various things throughout the community, like updating information in the archive:

World Info

There's a lot you're gonna need to know to navigate Delvorina. Here's where you can find all that information:


If you have any questions there is a forum here where you can see questions other people have asked and ask your own questions.
