PET: Vipwing


About Vipwings as Pets plus Traits/Physiology
Vipwings are a dedicated pet and very protective of their owners. They have a specialized venom to enable their owners to have similar traits as them. They are hard to find as they have the ability to camouflage themselves. When threatened, they rear up and let out a loud extended hiss. They are incredibly smart and can learn a variety of tricks tho they are not prone to long-term obedience thus are not usually found in the pageant or show circuit like the Scrouse are. Speaking of, owning a Scrouse with a Vipwing is not a recommended idea as Vipwings eat Scrouse among other things (tho some Ambrivans do own both successfully).

The Vipwing is, on average, the length of an adult Ambrivans' leg (hip to toe) with a wingspan at least half their total length (for the larger pair of wings). The Vipwing can sustain flight in the skies, slither on the ground, and breath/swim underwater! On the mainland, it sleeps hanging upside down; underwater it sleeps by beating its wings to keep water moving over its gills (activate when in water - nostrils close up instinctively). It has small shimmering scales over its body that come in a variety of colors. It is capable of living in all habitats, even the extreme cold so long as their is sunlight part of the day. While a Vipwing usually has two pairs of wings and a single horn, they can have anywhere from one to three sets of wings and one to three horns. They always have a pointed tail.

This pet is very rare and can give it's owner special traits by injecting them with a non-lethal venom (bat wings if the OC has wings, a demon tail end for anyone with a tail, a forked tongue or fangs, or give/mutate horns on any OC). OCs that have this venom running through their bodies are called Darktouched. There is a cure should you seek one out tho with how rare a Vipwing is, Darktouched Ambarans are rare and considered exotic if nothing else among their people.