
Sou [ The Neutral State ]

A small, densly populated, mountinous country. Most of the population of Sou lives in its brightly lit cities known for their vertical architecture that makes full use of the limited habitable land. Sou depends a lot on trade and through its history developing relationships with its neighbors, both near and far, its manuvered itself into the position of a neutral neogitator. It manages much of international law, from issuing the only travel passports all countries accept to being trusted to host any international conferences. This position of "neutrality" keeps Sou safe from the constantly ongoing conflicts in the continents but is precarious, relient mostly on the larger powers not willing to take the risk of attacking Sou and being shut out of the international conversation.

A bit of life breaks through Sou's rocky landscape in the form of rivers, the occasional lake, and lush outcroppings. The cities are built along flat plains by the rivers, giving them easy access to trade and commuinication through their waters as well as some opportunity for argriculture. More rural settlements raise (fantasy) mountian goats to help navigate the terrain. It is also known for it's large variety of unique tree species.

Place in World Politics

Sou refuses to take part in any wars or disputes as anything but a neutral group, though it has a defensive military. As such it is trusted to regulate any intercountry laws and travel; issue passports, host any world congress meetings, pass the verdict on international criminals, ect.

Ythers'Narth [Neutral] Close neighbors, the two countries have a history of trade and tourism which is still prevelant today. However politions is Sou are worried about Ythers'Narth's expansionist policies as of late.

Rais [Neutral] While Sou has a good enough relationship with Rais to maintain it's status for the moment it is seen as the biggest potential threat in the international stage.

Londael [Neutral] Londael's more fanciful inventions are popular among Sou's populace and a lot of trade and tourism moves between the two countries.

Si Sa Nga [Neutral] Si Sa Nga is not seen as much of, well, anything, at the moment though keen eyed polititions are keeping an eye on it's ever evolving political turmoil.

Yeigh-Xan [Neutral] The people who formed the island nation of Yeigh-Xan originally split off from Sou and both groups have a lot of feelings about that.

Iridia [Neutral] Sou has many trade deals with Iridia, and is the main way Iridian goods pass through to the international marketplace of the continents.