Marcus Oddwood



3 years, 2 months ago


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Marcus Oleander Oddwood 
[also known as Marcus, Mr. Oddwood]
gender: male [he/him]
age: 36
birthdate: July 18th
place of residence: Oddwood’s, Maplebark Woods
occupation: shepherd

status: alive, adopted by Marlene

     In a colorful building among the golden trees, is the home of a father and his dear kids. Marcus would be the man you’d find once you explored the amber-colored woods. A shepherd who usually keeps to himself, he’s usually seen tending his sheep in the yard behind the house.

     It’s true that Marcus tends to be quiet, and he does often feel awkward when interacting with strangers and acquaintances. But once you get to know him a little more, you may find that he can be quite the gentle giant! He’s a man with a calming deposition, someone quite peaceful to be around. He’s a tender and mild person, and it shows from the way he speaks and acts. Though besides his mellow nature, he’s a man who’s also observant to those around him. A bit of a critical thinker at times, Marcus is someone who often analyzes imformation in his mind, from people to many different topics, even though he sometimes takes his interpretations with a grain of salt. Marcus can be perceptive, and surprisingly really understanding of others. Some might even feel like he just “gets'' them. People who are familiar with Marcus would know he’s nice to have around, and perhaps even comforting. 

     However, Marcus may at times, bite more than he can chew. While he’s a man who wants to help others, he may overestimate himself and take on more responsibilities than he can handle, not being the best at setting his own limits. And Marcus is a guy who's also overly self-reliant. He can get very hesitant to show his own vulnerability, even to those closest to him. Firstly, Marcus is a man who has jaded views when it comes to people. He tries not to show it, but truth is, Marcus tends to believe in… the worst of most people. Marcus wishes he didn’t, but there’s no denying that people hurt not only their surroundings, but other people too. With every disappointment adding up to another, his skepticism for others has built up overtime, which is why he struggles to start bonds. Who knows what people could do, so it’s best to steer away from them. Though he doesn’t see a single person this way, there’s still some… feeling of detachment when it comes to his loved ones. He cares and he very much will do anything he can for them, but this has often led him to hide his own insecurities and problems. Throughout his life, Marcus has often felt pressured to be “strong”, well-composed for his loved ones. He has to be resilient, he has to be able to handle anything. If not, how else would he be supportive for his loved ones? Ironically, this only makes him even more distant to those he was close to. With how he suppresses his emotions, he ends up being easily ticked off, which can lead him to burst over the last straw, or shuts himself away from his loved ones due to how overwhelmed he is.

     Though while it sounds contradictory, Marcus is actually a whole lot altruistic at heart really. He’s actually someone who is very considerate of the needs of others, even strangers. He knows that the world isn’t all sweet, and believes that almost all people don’t deserve what they went through. He simply wishes that things weren’t so cruel. Marcus genuinely wants to help those around him, and you might find that he often goes the extra mile to do so. Marcus is also an insightful man, who’s often times open-minded and can even be far from judgemental. A very good listener, he’s a friend when you simply need to let it all out, and a shoulder to cry on. He’s willing to take his time and be near his loved ones, whatever they need. And while he’s not someone to go around giving advice, Marcus has a good choice when he does speak, and maybe even a helpful suggestion or two if he was asked. His loved ones know that Marcus is genuinely comforting, and he certainly doesn’t shy away from showing affection to them either. Though Marcus himself is aware of his flaws, he might even sees himself as a “terrible person” at times if he’ll be honest. And he does feel ashamed for slipping into his old habits at times. He very much apologizes and tries to make up for it whenever he does. The good news, as time went on, he did start to find ways to cope with his emotions better. Found himself a few outlets here and there, and while rarely, he has managed to open up to his loved ones once in while! Though he still keeps so much of himself in private, Marcus has gotten better at maintaining his connections. He’s found loved ones that do care as much for Marcus’s well-being, even if they honestly don’t always know what’s going on behind his mind. Now in recent times, he’s opened his home to some children too! Parenting is tricky and while he knows he’s not perfect, he will always try his best to be a nurturing father. Marcus only hopes he could give all the love and aid he can to each and every kid in this household, just like the ones he’s received in all his recent years.

  • Marcus has adopted Lucas and Max, meanwhile he’s currently fostering  Oliver and Layla as well!
    • In addition, some of his family members includes Marlene [his mom], Mimi and Maud! [sisters]
  • [MEDICAL NOTE] Has burnt scars on his face and some parts of the body due to a certain [“unpleasant”] event. The damage left him partially blind and added some hearing loss on his burnt side., hence the hearing aid
  • and eyepatch. “N-not the p-perfect s-solution… but it’s good enough.”
  • He stutters. Something he’s had since he was a kid really [not aquired by event nor because he’s “nervous”]
  • Takes care of animals and plants really well! He often spent lots of time learning about a certain species in detail before he let them in his home.
  • Knows every single sheep in his flock! Every 373. By name and personality, it's honestly funny to some.
    • He also has like a whole list of them [names and photos] in a pocket album
  • He does have a lot of ascots, though they were actually his mom’s! She loved wearing them back then, so it has become a little reminder of her.
  • Love moths a lot actually! He thinks they’re cute :]
  • Favorite drink is tea, and he will serve it to his guests. 
  • Most of the time, he's just quietly observing when in public. Marcus tends to people-watch and just try to analyze people for the fun of it. Takes it all with a grain of salt though.
  • Has a fascination with cryptids as a kid! While he doesn’t believe in them much now, he still thinks they’re cool!
    • He would wander in the woods and abadoned places trying finding them as a kid, never actually did. Though he still love exploring those places! 
    • Would almost buy any cryptid theme item on sight. Would definietly buy any cryptid theme fridge magnet on sight.
  • Huge fan of a certain comic series [in the universe] called “Lookout!”, which is a sci-fi mystery about a professor, his curious niece and all things cryptids! He’s an adult, but he’s still really into it.
  • Always found blanket forts fun and comforting, when he was a kid he would pretty much turn his bedroom into a huge blanket fort! Making and spending time in blanket forts was a way to soothe himself. Nowadays he makes them with his kids!
  • Loves collecting stamps! He has a whole album and he's really proud of his collection. Might show it off if you’ll allow him…
  • Rarely feels connected to his peers, and it’s been that way since he was a child. He’s not quite sure why either. Though could get along with them just fine, he’d never see them as a “friend”, you can say. He’s always appreciated elderlies more as a kid, and he has a huge soft spot for children [“T-they honestly deserve so much better.”].
    • The only peers he’s close to are his two childhood best friends really.
  • Enjoys photography and cinematography, and knows a few skills! He's usually the camera man in family occasions or in Sunny Days Farms. 
  • While a relatively fit person, once he gets sick/feels unwell, he would usually just spend hours sleeping. Still function and take care of his kids but like whenever he's ill he “j-just. can't. w-w-want to grab b-b-blanket. and. S-sleep.”
    • Mimi jokingly refers to it as a "mini coma" or "hibernating." 
  • Mac n’ cheese are one of his favourite meals! They bring some comfort too.
  • Rarely spends time with the locals in his own town, and it’s because of the fact that “everyone seems to know everyone” in this close-knit community. It freaks him out a little that random acquaintances know him. “O-once you m-m-make a mistake, e-everyone seems to know it. Scary.”
  • Loved Cinderella a whole lot as a kid, and still do. Even his sisters are confused, but he admires how kind she remained throughout her life, and he does aspire to be like her in a way. He’s knows he isn’t as good as her, but he sees her as a role model either way.
  • Quite the movie commenter! He likes to analyze movies and write little essays on them. Except he never had guts to share them because he thinks that his movie opinions are “dumb” and would feel embarrassed when others know this side hobby of his. Typically does family and action movies! Whatever he watches with his kids. Character and theme analysis are his favourites! Also, love having movie nights with his family.
  • Marcus typically doesn’t ramble, but sometimes he just… get excited about a topic and spill his interests. Like, even just a small reference about it and he will tell you all the cool fun facts he knows! For a couple of minutes before he goes back to quiet mode-
  • Speaking of interests, he really is just easily embarrassed of them in general. It just… it feels pretty awkward to share them? 
  • Loves ice cream and anything similar to it! Gelato, fruit popsicles, etc.
  • Hates really loud, crowded and noisy places, gets really drained by those.
  • Actually hate amusement parks. While he knows amusement parks can be fun for others, most rides would make Marcus nauseous or dizzy. Doesn’t help that they're crowded most of the time. Oh, and "t-t-that infuriating, repetitive jingle was the cherry on top."
    • Still goes there though. He'll prolly just take a seat and watch the others have their fun. Sometimes he'll watch over some kids when needed. "M-Maybe grab some ice cream if I want to." 
  • Stress eats as a way to cope. Sometimes. Well, he’s been trying and has done it less, but sometimes Marcus would use food to cope when he’s feeling really anxious or stressed out. Backfires anyway because he eventually regret doing so, but at least he’s trade off his unpleasant feelings for more tolerable unpleasant feelings?
  • Not really terrified, but he’s often extra cautious when he’s around fire [candles, campfires, etc]. The only person he trust with a match is himself.
  • “Haha I-I’m not a t-t-therapist, I just been to therapy that’s all.”
  • Jewish. Also, Marcus himself was also adopted by his parents! However, he never actually remembered his dad, knowing that he passed away since he was 2. So for almost Marcus’s whole life, it was just him, his sisters, and mom. 
  • Layla and Oliver came around recently [at the start of the story], so it’s been a little awkward so far. Well, bonding takes time!
  • Lucas, Max, and Marcus are just as close as any usual family would! They’ve always been loving to one another, and they will continue to be! You can say that they even see their dad as a role model. And that might be part of the problem. 
  • If you asked Marcus, he’d tell you that he got his scars in a fire “accident”. Not even his kids knew what happened, and he doesn’t feel comfortable to retell the tale again.