Ethan Wilhelm



6 years, 7 months ago


The most average guy out there.
Save his bad luck and addiction to oranges.

Nobody knows how it started, not even Ethan. He says that one day, back when he was an elementary student, he climbed a tree near his house, an orange tree. High up was a tantalizing orange. He plucked it and bit into it. Next thing he knew, the branch broke and he broke his arm.
After that, Ethan wasn't the same. No, he didn't lose his mind and go crazy. Not really, at least. He just... always craved oranges. Every day, nearly every hour, he had to eat an orange, or at least anything orange-flavored. His family noticed that alongside this, he had a horrible run of bad luck. His backpack ripped, he fell in mud, he got stranded in the restroom without toilet paper several times in the same week!
And it didn't stop. In fact, it got worse. As time went on, Ethan's addiction to citrus got heavier, to where he'd need at least a bag of oranges a day. His bad luck also worsened, and it began to affect people around him!
As unusual as it was, Ethan never seemed too bothered by it. As long as he got a tasty orange, he was fine.

Notes: Have you ever played Heavy Rain? It's this game that relies on choices you make. Early in the game you play as a character named Ethan, and you look in your fridge to make dinner for your son. When my friend and I played this game, we realized that there was a kind of bug in the game where you could pick up the orange juice from the fridge and keep drinking it. And we did. For roughly ten minutes. Nonstop picking up that juice and drinking it. We started a running joke after that, playing the game in the perspective of Ethan, obsessed with oranges rather than his own son. I decided to make this Ethan primarily based around that, but also with some comical bad luck.
I'd also seen a LOT of characters with tragic pasts and thought that someone like Ethan would be nice to add. He's got a supportive family, group of friends despite his luck, and he's just a nice guy to be around. 


Full Name: Ethan Magnus Wilhelm

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 24

Birthday: September 30

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair/Eye Color: Black/Blue

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 144 Ibs

Occupation: Grocery store clerk

Personality: Ethan is one of the friendliest people you'll meet. He's pretty resilient with other personalities and reacts normally (no smiling through the sadness or acting angry to hide shyness). He's... well, he's pretty average. Although some people see him as optimistic, seeing as he's always in a cheerful mood despite the bad luck that's happened to him.

Voice: A cheerful, innocent voice; Yuri Lowenthal

Non-Human Abilities:

Bad Luck - It's not really a power, but it's sure as hell not normal. Something happened when Ethan at that orange years ago, some kind of curse fell on him. Now his shadow inflicts bad luck on him at random moments. It also spreads bad luck to people around him. The longer someone spends time with Ethan, the worse their bad luck is bound to be. Leaving Ethan's side will give you roughly an hour of bad luck before it disappears, and no matter what, the misfortune will never be anything awful/life-changing.

Drawing Details: Usually always has a smile on his face. Any outfit is fine.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- Born in Big Springs, Texas

- Has a supportive family, including an older brother that enjoys rough housing with him.

- Total Mama's Boy. Kinda. Would rather bake treats with her than watch football with his brother and father.

- Harbors an intense hatred for grapefruits.

- Has terrible motion sickness.

- Married to Frederick.