Dalibor Kovac



1 year, 4 months ago


"Quote here"

Male, werewolf, 6'2", straight
DOB: 1832, January 28


☀️Appearance ☀️

- has that strongman, burly body type

- thick eyebrows, almost almond eye shape, long and thin nose with a curve to the bridge

-light brown hair that he brushes back, it's greying at the temples

- pale hazel eyes. green and gold with an orange center

- has a moustache that connects to his beard 

- mole on his left cheek, under his eye

- looks a bit younger than his age

- faded spatter of scars on the left side of his face that his facial hair mostly hides

- dresses very well

Classed as a human-like werewolf. Considered extremely unusual as there is barely a difference between forms. He just has longer canines, that's it. Unlike other werewolves, he is more perceptive to magic when in his wolf form.



Well spoken, serious, guarded about his emotions 



Born less than a year apart from his younger brother, Viktor. The two aren't sure of their exact day of birth as their parents celebrated their birthdays together. As adults, the two can't find any records stating eithers' exact birthday so they still split the day. 

The eldest child and son of the Kovac family. By and far, even taking magic into account, Dalibor has always been a better heir. Dalibor is better academically and socially, he also was getting to the point in regular magic that he was gearing up to get an apprenticeship for enchanting. Viktor just has *more* unique magic. It's weird what he can do and, very arguably, it could be said that the 'inhuman' was bred out of him since he has 0 reaction to silver. Their father decided to back the kid that exemplified a goal of the Kovac family in regards to magic and the kid that could argue he was truly human. Dalibor's and Viktor's paternal grandparents thought that Dalibor should remain heir though as he was firstborn and was more talented all around. Dalibor being disinherited would have ruined him if he hadn't already made a reputation for himself of being an upstanding man.

Despite all of this favourite playing, Viktor and Dalibor were really close as kids and as young adults. He's never been close to his youngest brother, Luka, and doesn't much care for him. Likes Sanja well enough, but winds up fairly close to her once they are older adults.

Fought in the Three Seas War. Joined towards the end of 1853. Was tasked with clearing enchanted landmines as he was already at journeyman level for enchanting and was gearing up for trying to be considered a master at the craft. All things considered, it went well for him. He was good at clearing them and didn't die. Ruined enchanting entirely for him though. If asked why he stopped doing enchanting he just says "My hands are no longer steady enough."

Goes on to eventually have a short career as a lawyer then later becomes a politician 



Viktor Kovac - Younger Brother -

Luka Kovac - Younger Brother - 

Sanja Kovac - Younger Sister - 

Ales Kovac - Father - 

Miranda Hartell - Mother - 

X - Wife - 


He is technically only 1/4 werewolf, 1/2 alp, and a bunch of meaningless fractions of other things (honestly more like 3/8ths werewolf but whatever).