Aaron Vesre



5 years, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Name: Aaron Vesre
Nickname Aaron
Age 20
Birthday December 20 (Sagittarius)
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 5'8
Orientation Gay
Species Human
other info
  • Visiting different places
  • Spending time with friends
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks
  • True crime podcasts and unsolved mysteries
  • Photography and fashion
  • Dirt and foul smells
  • Cancelled plans
  • Tardiness
  • Dishonest people
  • People who only see him as a money-lender
  • Charismatic- He can easily persuade someone through his words and writing. He's confident and not shy at all
  • Loves starting up a conversation with anyone
  • Good taste in fashion
  • If you need a list of the top ten spots of a certain location, just take a look at his travel blog
  • Can be a bit clingy/touchy towards people
  • Tends to invade personal space
  • There may be times where he can't take a hint to stop talking or to leave someone alone for a few minutes
  • May be a bit pushy
  • Has a British accent. Unfortunately.
  • He usually brings his expensive DSLR camera around but also likes using polaroids for the physical photos.
  • He keeps a journal on his day to day travels. He likes collecting journals because of this.
  • Aaron is actually a bit of an artist himself, although just a hobby. He makes quick sketches of the things he sees around him.
  • Aaron is a nicknames guy, he comes up with a nickname for everyone he meets and calls them that. Unless explicitly told that they don't want to be called that. He calls Duncan "Donut", Chanto "Chi" or "Chichi", Laverne "L", or "Elle" (Death Note reference because she writes)
  • Name origin- A character I loved from a book I read when I was 13.
Design Notes
  • His theme color is olive green
  • Please try to include his trench coat when drawing him. He wears it most of the time and only takes it off when he's settling down.
  • Motifs: Coffee, travelling, photography, journals
Talkative . Confident . Charismatic

"And that's for you to find out for yourself, love."


Aaron comes across as a massive flirt and a joker. He is always seen around chatting and socializing with others with a big grin on his face. A social butterfly, he generally does not stick with only one group of friends in college aside from his favorite friends Chanto and Duncan. He is very open and is generally willing to share anything about himself if the other person asks. Aaron may also talk about a topic for so long that others may find an excuse just so they can escape from him.

There are times where Aaron does not understand the concept of personal space. He is a very touchy person and would always go for frequent handshakes and hugs when meeting a new person. Aaron also frequently comes up with nicknames for people on the fly and will continue to call them by the said nickname unless the other person lets him know that they do not want to be called that. If not using a specific nickname for someone, he would refer to them with the term “love”. People often mistake his kindness for flirting, so he often gives mixed signals to people. Aaron knows that there are those who dislike him for his demeanor, but he pays them no mind as he would rather focus on those who actually enjoy his company.

Though others may say that he looks ignorant, Aaron is actually quite logical and wise. He gives helpful advice to those who come to him for help and he knows the right words to say in order to lift one’s spirits. Many of people are surprised when Aaron shows this side of him as he does not usually flaunt his way of thinking publicly. He also loves seeing the look of people’s faces when they find out that he can solve a murder mystery problem in less than five minutes by just looking over the facts.

A lover of different scenery, Aaron loves to travel to various places frequently. Whether it be somewhere he has not yet been to or somewhere he often goes to, Aaron would love to be there. He is usually not seen in one place for a long time. Having plenty of friends means his schedule is packed with meetings and hangouts. To keep mark of any occasion he always has his camera and journal with him and generally loves doing photography while travelling. He prints these photos and pastes them in the journal, keeping a day-to-day note of where he has been. He also loves taking shots of his friends, as he would print these and hang it on the wall of his room as a reminder of those who matter to him.


He grew up in a normal but rich family with a little sister named Olivia. He and his family would go on vacations a lot and he would enjoy them very much. During his travels, he would take note of what spots caught his eye. This inspired him to become a travel journalist. Because of his wealth, he would usually lend money to friends in need without expecting anything in return. He would soon realize that people would take advantage of this and continue asking for money despite them not needing it. This would lead to people disliking him and calling him a "fake friend" for not helping them out. Aaron knew better than to keep friends who valued his money than his presence, so he cut them off without hesitation.

Before entering college during his Junior year, he befriended two Freshmen named Chanto and Duncan and spent most of his time hanging out with them. Aaron would usually act as the mediator between Chanto and Duncan because the two would usually fight when they're alone. As time passed, the three eventually became best friends.

Aaron is currently in college and living independently. During his free time he would travel to different places and explore different sights. He would take note of new restaurants, shops, etc. and write all about it in his travel blog. He has a huge following and a lot of people rely on his articles regarding different popular hotspots. He writes all his articles on an anonymous note though, so he can get a little privacy as well. Despite being in college, he spends his free time visiting his friends from his high school like Chanto and Duncan. Though he clings more to Duncan, he values his two friends very much.

Duncan Ferelle | best friend / victim of affection

Aretha Franklin (cover by Tori Kelly) - I Say A Little Prayer

"Oh, Donut. Donut, Donut. He may be stuck up but I always appreciate it when he invites me for company. Seeing his reactions to my flirting is hilarious too! I can tell he's truly not a bad person deep inside."

Aaron sees him as his best friend / victim of affection. Aaron often clings to Duncan and keeps physical contact through hugs and intertwining arms. He loves to flirt with him a lot and enjoys seeing the (disgusted) look on Duncan's face when he uses cheesy pick-up lines on him.


Duncan and Aaron met back in their early years of high school- Duncan being a first-year student while Aaron being a second-year student. Aaron was well known for being one of the smartest students in his batch, so Duncan took notice. Since Duncan is that type of asshole who does not talk to anyone unless they're an equal academically, he began conversing with Aaron.

Aaron took a liking to Duncan because of his wit and intelligence. As time passed, they eventually became close friends. Aaron would jokingly flirt with Duncan for fun because he knows Duncan blushes easily. Even with Aaron's flirting, Duncan doesn't really push him away.

They often go out for coffee and discuss about new books, research, or just anything about their daily lives. Aaron would talk about the things he learns in college while Duncan listens willingly. Sometimes, Aaron would invite Duncan to go out to sightsee for a change of pace. Even with Duncan declining, Aaron would still force him to go (often making Duncan sigh and adjust his schedule).

Chanto Valerin | best friend

"Man, Chanto's a literal ray of sunshine. She reminds me of my little sister in fact, though Chanto's a bit more on the kind side. I know she tries her hardest when it comes to her studies, and it makes me proud to see how far she's come."

Aaron sees her as one of his best friends who he could confide in anytime. He enjoys being in Chanto’s company as she reminds him of his little sister back at home. Aaron teases her when he has the chance, though Chanto would always find a way to tease him back. He often ruffles her hair when he has the chance.


On her first year of high school, Chanto needed a tutor from one of the upperclassmen as she was getting low grades and needed help. Aaron, who was in his second year, was the first one to offer help. He would set up tutoring sessions after class to bring her grades back up.

Chanto thought it would be hell because she struggled trying to comprehend any other subject other than her favorite, science. Surprisingly, Aaron was a pretty good tutor who was patient and made topics easier to understand. He was the chill type of tutor and he would make jokes every once in a while to cheer up Chanto especially when she was having a hard time.

The two became fast friends and they would eventually laugh and talk about things other than school, such as stories about their past and their personal lives. Chanto reminded Aaron of his little sister back at home, so deeply cares for Chanto and her wellbeing. At the same time, Chanto saw him as a big brother who she could depend on during times of trouble.

Lucius Zuciane | bartender friend

"Lucius is always on shift when I visit the bar, I'd say we're good friends by now. People also always seem to be asking for his number. I wish that would happen to me too, heh."

As Lucius works at a restaurant near Aaron's college, he often sees Aaron visit while he's on shift. Aaron, seeing that Lucius looked close to his age, decided to chat him up. Aaron appreciated the fact that Lucius always looked interested in hearing what he was saying.

Aaron took the time to know Lucius' schedule, so he could always visit whenever he was there working. As such, Aaron always left a big tip specifically for Lucius, since he appreciates his hard work and the fact that he was always pleasant company to be around.

Laverne Carier | friend

"Laverne's such a sweet gal! I'd love to invite her for morning coffee sometime but she always seems so busy with her duties."

Anyone who's a friend of Chanto and Duncan is a friend of Aaron's as well. Since Aaron doesn't see Laverne that much, he often invites her for a hangout to catch up on events.

Aaron first hears about Laverne through Chanto, as Chanto one day called up Aaron to talk about the time she trespassed Laverne's place and met someone really pretty. From the sound of it, it seemed like Chanto liked this girl and Aaron really wanted to meet her.
