


9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




“The Fence” “Merchant”






Maneki Cat




February 22nd


Wandering Merchant




Money, jewels, fortune, gambling


Losing money, confrontation



Reika is a shady character who travels in a small merchant ship with her honest business partner Tiy Rah. Reika is in charge of handling the sales and acquired merchandise while Tiy Rah handles the fortune telling and potion making. Reika is a well known swindler and many are careful while dealing with her as her bartering skills match none-other. If you are not paying attention she may even rob you blind so make sure you check your pockets after you leave.


She is a known fence of the underground so many thieves will come to her to trade in their wares. She seems to have no shame in her dirty work, some might say she is even proud! Many are surprised that someone as honest as Tiy Rah would associate with her but they seem to be a good team.

She’s been this crafty ever since she was a kid. However, at the time she was stealing out of necessity. She was a poor orphan child who needed to steal to survive. She was eventually adopted into a thieves guild in which she was raised and taught the craft of bartering, sneaking, and stealing. 

She uses her illusion magic to intimidate and also confuse her opponents or targets. She has also been known to use her magic in street performance to gain tips from passersby. Having known what it’s like to need to work to survive in this world she decided enough was enough. She stole a ship out from under the nose of pirates and used it to sell off their treasure and the stolen items she picked up along the way. She quickly became known as the main merchant ship in the area.

She came across her business partner Tiy Rah on the shores of a mystical beach. She was searching for special rocks to aid her in her magic. Reika attempted to sell her wares and they soon got to talking. After realizing her potential when Tiy Rah offered her a tea leaf reading, Reika promised Tiy Rah a place to practice her magic and gain valuable mystic items if she could use her service for profit on her ship.


**Tiy Rah** Reika’s friend and business partner. They work together flawlessly and turn quite the profit. Tiy Rah has slowly taught Reika what it means to be an honest store owner. She has shut down many shady transactions in favor of the customer and although Reika often has trouble understanding why she needs to be honest but she believes in Tiy Rah’s methods.