

i never get tired of dreaming, it's you i'm sleeping for

Naseem "Naz" Shafiq
December 20 (Sagittarius)
cisgender female
British Pakistani
Blood Status
spruce, demiguise hair, 11, supple
Future Career



Naseem, or Naz, as her friends call her, is a young, pureblood witch in the Hufflepuff house. The youngest of eight sisters, all magic, and all in a different assortment of houses, Naz has grown up around magic all her life. She's also well-versed in the ways of muggles, as her family owns a Muggle Import Shop in Diagon Alley, selling muggle supplies to wizards, and adding magical alterations to muggle technology, like laptops and smart phones. Though she's not the smartest of her sisters, Naz is endlessly optimistic, friendly, bright, and hard-working. Naz's grades are good, but not exceptional, and she does best at Divination (as she is a Seer), Astronomy, Herbology, and Charms.

Additionally, Naz's maternal grandparents, who live in Pakistan, have their own wand-making business, where they do things a little differently to how Ollivander does. In addition to making custom wands per customer request, Naz's grandparents also have a tradition where, prior to their grandchildren's first year at Hogwarts, they craft a special wand for them based on what they know about them. Many of her family members have very unique wands compared to the other Hogwarts students because of this. Naz's own wand is crafted from morinda spruce wood from Pakistan, while its core is the hair of a demiguise, which allows the wand to exceed in divination magic.

Despite coming from a big family, the Sorting Hat has never placed the Shafiq in one particular house just because of their shared blood. Naz is the second in her family to have been placed in Hufflepuff, where she was placed for her positivity, fairness, and determination.

Naz is extremely social, and loves making friends, and as such, her schedule is often packed tight with many extracurriculars so that she can spend time with many friends and enjoy the things they're passionate about, too. She is a member of SPEW, which was re-founded by her friend Ramona, and though she does not play Quidditch, with friends on every team, Naz attends practically every Quidditch game she's capable of attending. She also loves to practice her divination on her friends, and practically begs them to let her try out new methods with them.


Describe your character's personality here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla.

Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.



  • Divination
  • Muggle curios
  • Musicals


  • 'Too-cool' types of people
  • Double periods
  • Too many rules


5'11 | 180cm
Hair Color
Hair Style
Natural curls, often pinned back
Dreamy and warm

Physical Appearance

Naz changes and hones her appearance over the course of her years at Hogwarts, alternating beauty tips from her sister, her own personal ideas and opinions and a little bit of Emrys' 'advice.' Though she starts shorter, Naz shoots up over the years to become the tallest in the group. Due to her Pakistani heritage, her skin is a light brown color, with freckles dusting her nose. Naz has difficult-to-tame black curls (3b), which she usually tries to wear up, or back in some way to keep her hair from getting into her face. She has thick eyebrows, and long eyelashes complimenting her wide, brown eyes.

Not one for breaking the rules, Naz tends to wear her uniform more or less the way she's supposed to, with her tie properly tied, shirt tucked in, and skirt at the appropriate length. She prefers her cardigan over her sweatervest or sweater, but has no real issue with any of them, generally wearing whatever is clean and comfortable. Naz is not hijabi, but she still tries to keep her skin covered, and as a result, she wears thick, opaque black tights under her skirt. Although she follows the dress code, Naz does like to accessorize, and often wears cute and earthy dangly earrings, like fruits or flowers or cute puffs. She sometimes uses cute clips, scrunchies, and other hair accessories, but she tends to lose these more often, so it's just as likely to see Naz with plain bobby pins or hair ties as it is bright, cute ones. Outside of her uniform, Naz loves to wear yellows, golds, and greens, and wears a lot of overalls, pinafores, sun dresses, and long skirts. She loves floral and celestial designs, interesting patterns and materials, and doesn't really care if her personal fashion isn't to everyone else's tastes. When wearing low-collared dresses or shirts, Naz wears a thin turtleneck underneath to cover her chest and arms. Likewise, she wears opaque tights or long socks if wearing skirts, or something that will show her ankles.

In her first year, Naz's curly hair is at it's most wild. Although Naz is hygenic, she doesn't really know proper curly-hair-care, and so her curls tend to be extra wild and frizzy. Because her hair is only a little shorter than shoulder length, its lightness also makes it more wild, and even though Naz often tries to tie it into pigtails or ponytails, it hardly makes much difference. She also has bangs at that time, but because of her hair texture, they also look wild. She doesn't wear much jewelry when she's younger, and her fashion sense is still eccentric, but she struggles with matching things well--her clothes tend to really only appeal to her and no one else.

By her fourth year, Naz has taken more of an interest in beauty, if only to try to catch Emrys' eye (at first, at least). She starts to grow her fringe out, and her sisters teach her how to straighten her hair and do her make up. Although Naz feels a little insecure with her new look, it's hard to miss that boys do tend to take notice to her more. She does start to like doing her make-up, and has Lottie pierce her ears so that she can also wear cute earrings. She also starts wearing halaal nail polish, usually in cute pastels or yellows. Her fashion sense starts to develop a little more keenly, and Naz also starts to find confidence in herself.

In her fifth year, Naz decides that rather than straight hair, she prefers curls--not her natural curls, but rather loose, wavy curls, and she starts to part her hair in the middle. She makes beauty an every day thing, waking up a couple hours early every day to ensure that she always looks her best.

During her sixth year, Naz follows relatively the same beauty regime as the year prior, until a passing comment from Emrys makes her reconsider. Visiting her late at night, post-shower, he asks why her hair is so curly again when normally it looks so different, and she explains how she normally does her hair. Emrys says he thinks it looks cute with her natural curls. After that, Naz stops putting so much extra effort in her hair and instead focusing on nourishing her natural curls to make them healthy, shiny, and more managable, and Emrys compliments her when she starts wearing her curls more naturally again. She still maintains her make-up and beauty regime as usual though, even when Emrys later tells her she's pretty without make up.




Before Hogwarts

Naz was born the 20th of December, the eighth child and eighth daughter of Junaraaj and Hamad Shafiq. Both pure-blood wizards themselves, Naz grew up in a slightly unorthodox manner for a pure-blood, owing to the fact that her parents own and operate a muggle 'import' shop in Diagon Alley, called Mr. Wizard's Muggle-Goods Emporium. Although they don't know the practical purposes of everything they sell (like rubber ducks), they are pretty technologically savvy. Not only does her family sell Muggle snacks and some cool Muggle fashions, but they also offer technomagic protections for smartphones and laptops, allowing muggle-made electronics to access wizard-run apps and websites safely, as well as a locking mechanism that won't open for muggles, no matter what. Naz grew up with a very open-minded opinion of muggles, as her father had worked with muggles a lot of his youth, and muggles curios were never far when she was growing up.

Being the eighth born was not without challenges; for Naz, the biggest challenge was watching all her siblings go, one by one, to Hogwarts while she had to keep waiting and waiting and waiting for what felt like eternity. Being only nine months apart, Naz felt it was outrageous that her 'older' sister Maryam got to go to Hogwarts a year earlier than her when the two were inseperable as children. And after a single year at Hogwarts, Maryam returned as if she was entirely more mature and smart than Naz now. So when Naz's letter arrived (just a few months after Maryam took the train to Hogwarts for the first time), she was incredibly impatient to start her schooling.

Hogwarts | Year One

tO bE rOlEpLaYeD…… oOoOoOoOo

Naz knew already that she wanted to be in Hufflepuff. Although the Sorting Hat tended to favor putting big families in the same house, somehow Naz's family had been relatively evenly divided between the four houses, so Naz knew that she had least had a chance to go to the house she wanted. She was very pleased to be sorted into Hufflepuff as requested, even moreso when her friend Teagan was sorted into the same house.

Hogwarts | Year Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.


  • Naz is bisexual, although she never has to opportunity to date a woman.
  • Naz's Myers Briggs type is ENFP-A.
  • Naz's pet is a mostly black half-cat, half-Kneazle with a white star marking on his head. He is named Mistofeeles, after the character from Cats.
  • Naz loves musicals, as Junaraaj loves musicals and often would take her daughters to West End to watch performances whenever they could. She also loves Disney movies once her family sets up a TV and a DVD player, often singing songs from musicals and movies to herself. She would be hard-pressed to choose a favorite, but Cats is a tradition in her family, and most of the family's cats are named after characters from the play (or the poems, if necessary).
  • Naz's main reason for wanting to be sorted into Hufflepuff was that her favorite color is yellow, and she wanted to get to wear it all the time. Luckily, she also had all the traits of a Hufflepuff, and the Sorting Hat was willing to induldge her request.
  • Naz's favorite form of divination is Ailuromancy, or divining from the behavior of cats. Naz believes Mistofeeles can determine the weather, and during her seven years at Hogwarts with him, he never fails to correctly predict it. Her second favorite is palm reading, because it's a good excuse to touch Emrys' hand.
  • Naz tends to be good about scheduling time to study, or work on essays or projects, as well as stick to said schedules. She often wonders how her grades are so much worse than Emrys' when he does everything so last-minute and so sleep-deprived.
  • Naz isn't afraid of bugs, and actually thinks spiders are cute. She wants to get a pet tarantula, but neither her sisters (nor later, Emrys) are willing to tolerate the idea of one living in the same house as them. She is happy to peacefully remove bugs from situations where others would step on them, and often has to rescue Lottie from scary situations involving them.



Emrys "Em" Scurlock

Naz has been infatuated with Emrys since the moment she laid eyes on him on their first trainride to Hogwarts. Being an optimist and feeling so sure that their relationship with destined to happen sooner or later, Naz is usually pretty patient about waiting for Emrys to decide he likes her back, but she gets a little less optimistic about it over the years. Regardless, they have a good friendship and Naz really appreciates everything Emrys is, even if it's often different to everyone else in the group. In most situations, she'll defend Emrys with even more dedication than he'll defend himself.


Teagan Gōngsūn

Being sorted into the same house together as well as having similarly cheerful personalities helped to cement Teagan as Naz's best friend, and Naz loves Teagan wholeheartedly, from gossiping about crushes to protecting each other to trying to help keep each other's grades afloat. Naz is the first to support Teagan's crush on Ramona, and in return, Teagan very much supports Naz's crush on Emrys, even when it seems hopeless. Naz knows she can always turn to Teagan for support, and tries to give the same support back to her as often as she can.


Ottilie "Lottie" Messier

Naz has never been afraid of Lottie, even when Lottie has been at her most mean and ruthless. She knows Lottie is rough around the edges, but she feels like she understands enough of the reason why to let it all slide. She tries her best to keep Lottie from flying off the handle when possible, but she appreciates that above all else, Lottie is loyal to her friends, even if it takes her a long time to make said friends to begin with. All the same, Naz knows better than to drag Lottie into trivial things that wouldn't interest her. There's no need to torment everyone with Lottie's bad attitude.


Ramona Nott

Naz is not Ramona's biggest fan, considering the fact that she and her Slytherin friends bullied her muggle-born friends and Emrys pretty relentlessly in the early years. However, knowing that Teagan has a crush on Ramona helps Naz to take her with a grain of salt--because she wants to be supportive of her friend. Besides, she thinks Slytherin house just... has a tendency to make people act like that, considering how things have gone with Maryam.