


3 years, 2 months ago



"How can it be/That these things live in me?..."
Name [Grayson Darwin]
Name Pronunciation [Gr-ay-sohn]
Species [Eevee]
Age [30]
Gender [Nonbinary]
Pronouns [They/them/theirs]
Orientation [Pansexual]
Occupation [LGBT+ youth advocate]
Residence [Seattle, Washington]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Main fur is light gray
  • Rainbow marking starts at the bottom of neck ruff--goes from red on the outside to purple on the inside
  • Neck ruff is soft and fluffy
  • Neck ruff, tip of tail, and insides of ears are white
  • Eyes are hot pink

Grayson has a big heart, coupled with big dreams. Some might call them an idealist, and maybe they are, but they also have the skill to see those dreams into reality. Grayson cares deeply about people, particularly those in extra need of support, and rarely meets an enemy. Others often find them to be both comforting and inspiring, which has helped them to build a substantial group of friends. Theme song: Forever Thursday--How Can It Be:


Grayson always had the idea that they were a little "different" as a child, but it was not until they left home for college and majored in Gender Studies that they realized that they identified as nonbinary. Grayson also realized that helping those who are marginalized by society, particularly people on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, was their passion. As soon as they finished their schooling, they moved to Seattle, where they established a center that helps LGBTQ+ youth in a variety of ways, from organizing Pride parades to collaborating with schools to form safe spaces. Grayson has also amassed a fine collection of friends while in Seattle, who they see as adding a great deal of warmth and richness to their life.


Grayson met Alexander on a walk in the woods--they found him contemplating nature, and were so curious about him that they had to engage him! Alexander is a reticent soul, who had difficulties in making friends before Grayson came along. However, Grayson saw the potential for a thoughtful and devoted friend in Alexander, and took him into their "flock" of friends. Alexander is grateful for this turn of events, and has subsequently rewarded Grayson with his loyalty.


Briar and Grayson met one day in a local park, when Briar ran into Grayson--literally!--while playing Frisbee. The two got to talking, and Grayson immediately appreciated Briar's friendly enthusiasm, thus leading the two to become friends. Briar is extraverted and adventurous himself, and thus admires Grayson's can-do attitude. Grayson, in turn, has taken Briar under their wing, and helps Briar to direct his considerable energy in a productive fashion.


Dulshay and Grayson met when Dulshay attended a Pride event that Grayson was helping to coordinate. Dulshay felt right away that Grayson was a safe person to be around, and Grayson took this to heart, taking Dulshay into their fold of friends. Dulshay is vulnerable, but also resilient, bubbly, and devoted to her friends. Grayson feels grateful that they have earned Dulshay's trust, and Dulshay feels that she has been able to blossom under Grayson's watch.


Briar introduced Grayson and Jolene, as he and Jolene are brother and sister. Jolene was suspicious of Grayson at first, as she is of nearly everyone, but warmed to Grayson as she came to see their truly compassionate nature. Jolene is enigmatic and comes off as a bit cold at first, but those who stick around as Grayson did will come to see her fierce loyalty and desire to protect those around her. Thanks to Grayson's reassuring presence, Jolene has come to feel more comfortable, both in her own skin and with her new friends.


Li and Grayson met one day when Grayson decided to dabble in yoga and attended Li's class. Li was impressed by Grayson's mixture of inner strength and kindness, and the two became friends. Li is wise, worldly, and tries not to take himself too seriously. Grayson sees him as not only an excellent friend, but a fine "advisor," and thus often goes to him for help in working out the problems of the world.


Grayson and Marieus got to know one another when both took a liking to the same painting at a local art exhibition. Grayson saw past Marieus' somewhat aloof exterior to his thoughtful and nurturing core, and thus added him to their circle of friends. Marieus initially thought that Grayson was overly idealistic, but as time has gone by, he has come to see Grayson as more of a can-do optimist. Nowadays, Marieus helps Grayson to be practical when chasing their dreams, and Grayson encourages Marieus to show more of his "softer side" to others.


Posey met Grayson at a local tea house--Grayson thought that Posey looked lonely and invited her to sit with them. Posey, although initially timid, has a great deal to offer as a friend--she is patient, supportive, and eager to help others--and Grayson recognized these qualities. Posey, for her part, was thrilled to meet Grayson and to become integrated with their friend group. Grayson and Posey can now spend hours together, talking about just about anything--it's as though they have been friends forever.


Zoe met Grayson when Grayson's electric scooter broke down one day--Zoe happened to be passing by and came to their rescue with a quick repair. Grayson found Zoe's gregariousness to be infectious right away, and thus the two formed a friendship. Zoe similarly appreciates Grayson's vivid imagination and willingness to follow their dreams. The two make for a fine pair, bouncing ideas off of one another and helping each other to reach their respective goals.


Genevieve was introduced to Grayson by their friend Posey after Posey conducted a business deal with Genevieve involving her museum. Grayson was immediately smitten with Genevieve, who is vivacious, kind-hearted, and hard-working. Genevieve, in turn, fell head over heels for Grayson, and a romantic relationship ensued. The two are now engaged to be married--they are thrilled at the prospect of spending their lives together!