


3 years, 2 months ago



"Ariadiamus la-te, ariadiamus da..."
Name [Alexander Frostone]
Name Pronunciation [Ahl-ex-ahn-dur]
Species [Glaceon]
Age [35]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Gay]
Occupation [College English professor]
Residence [Seattle, Washington]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Fur is silver, with a soft metallic sheen
  • Paws, tail tip, diamond shapes on back, and "hair" (actually antennae) are pale blue
  • Eyes, insides of ears, and ends of antennae are periwinkle
  • Dual interconnected diamond shapes on back, with the top diamond smaller than the bottom one
  • Antennae are highly sensitive and can move independently of one another

Alexander is reserved and a bit fearful, but at the same time, he is an idealist. Keen to notice details, he sometimes misses the big picture, and thus can come off as "dreamy" or a "space cadet." In spite of this, he is highly intelligent--get him talking about poetry, and this becomes clear to see! Alexander also makes for a fine and loyal friend, for those willing to dig past his cool outer nature. Theme song: Adiemus--Adiemus:


Alexander grew up in a home where his family encouraged him to dream big and think deeply, and he took that advice to heart. When Alexander went out into the world as an adult, he drifted for awhile, totally uncertain as to what to do--there were just so many options! However, he always had a knack for poetry, and so he eventually took the necessary steps to become a college English professor. Alexander currently lives a bucolic life in a small cabin in the woods, never too far away from his diverse group of friends.


Alexander was introduced to Briar via Grayson. He was unsure as to what to think of Briar at first, as Briar is so energetic! However, over time, Alexander has grown to appreciate Briar's mischievous personality and sense of wonder. Briar now helps Alexander to have fun, and Alexander does what he can to teach Briar about the world in return.


Alexander and Dulshay met through their mutal friend, Grayson. Alexander could not help but laugh at Dulshay at first--she seemed so prissy and materialistic! Eventually, Dulshay revealed herself to be much more thoughtful and substantial than she first appeared, and Alexander now has respect for her. Alexander is always trying to convince Dulshay to drop her "bimbo" exterior. Dulshay is unsure about doing so, but appreciates Alexander's concern for her well-being.


Grayson, ever the curious adventurer, wandered into Alexander's corner of the woods one day and made themselves right at home. Alexander was taken aback by their gregarious nature at first, but over time, the two have become dear friends. Grayson is helpful, determined, and has a knack for bringing people together. Alexander appreciates these qualities, and Grayson views Alexander as a sensitive and thoughtful soul.


Jolene and Alexander got to know one another via their mutual friendship with Grayson. Jolene is frequently suspicious of others, and rather reclusive. However, she saw a kindred spirit in Alexander, and Alexander recognized her potential for fierce loyalty. Nowadays, Alexander shares the first drafts of his written work with Jolene, and Jolene considers herself to be Alexander's poetic muse.


Grayson introduced Alexander and Li, and had an intuition that the two would hit it off quickly. They turned out to be correct--Li and Alexander not only became friends, but eventually fell in love and started a relationship! Li is more self-assured and calmer than Alexander, and is thus a stablizing presence in Alexander's life. Alexander feels protected by Li, and considers him to be his "knight in shining armor."


Marieus is another of Alexander and Grayson's mutual friends, with the two being introduced to one another by Grayson. Marieus and Alexander bonded over their mutual love of aesthetics. However, while Alexander prefers the sort of "art" found in nature, Marieus is more fond of artifical creations. This often leads to friendly debates between the two as to the true nature of beauty. Some see Marieus as snobbish, but Alexander recognizes him as proud, noble, and thoughtful.


Alexander and Posey were introduced by Grayson. The pair turned out to get along famously--Posey's quiet and demure nature, combined with her keen intellect, matches Alexander's like a glove. Posey has a tremendous amount of knowledge about the natural world, which only endears her to Alexander more. She and Alexander both feel that they have much to learn from one another.


Grayson linked Zoe and Alexander to one another, as they are friends with both. Zoe is a fireball--full of energy, loud, and apparently afraid of nothing. Alexander initially found her to be intimidating, but now appreciates her enthusiasm for life. Zoe, for her part, takes heart in Alexander's thoughtfulness, and does what she can to bring him out of his shell.


Genevieve originally made contact with Alexander's friend Posey--she is a wedding planner, and she rented Posey's museum as a venue for two of her clients. Posey thus befriended Genevieve and introduced her to the rest of the group, including Alexander. Alexander is very fond of Genevieve--he views her as a cheerful and vivacious breath of fresh air. In turn, Genevieve greatly likes and respects Alexander, as she enjoys his appreciation of aesthetics, in addition to loving his kind and thoughtful nature.