
3 years, 5 months ago



"You still make my heart beat fast, Ferrari..."
Name [Zoe Gefahr]
Name Pronunciation [Zow-ee]
Species [Jolteon]
Age [24]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Pansexual]
Occupation [Motorcycle mechanic]
Residence [Seattle, Washington]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Main fur is yellow-orange
  • Neck ruff and tail are made out of quills, like a porcupine's fur
  • Tail is almost nonexistent, like that of a Manx cat
  • Neck ruff and tail are striped with alternating electric blue and ultramarine
  • Eyes and nose are electric blue

Zoe is exuberant, cheerful, and sociable--and it is entirely genuine. She can more or less say that she has never met someone who she truly did not like. Zoe's enthusiasm and difficulty in "looking before she leaps" can sometimes get her into sticky situations. However, her optimistic outlook and adapability always ensure that she is able to set things right. Theme song: James Hype and Miggy Dela Rosa--Ferrari:


Zoe was raised by her father, who taught her how to fix anything with a motor and how to make friends with just about anyone. She bounced around the country for awhile, always enjoying herself, but never settling anywhere for long. While her career as a mechanic afforded her the opportunity to go pretty much anywhere, she eventually found herself desiring a bit more stability. Zoe eventually picked Seattle to settle down in, and she is glad that she did--she ended up finding her dearest friends there.


Grayson introduced Alexander and Zoe. Alexander was a bit timid around Zoe at first--he found her energy levels to be almost overwhelming! However, Zoe's sunny nature and patience in the face of Alexander's shy demeanor eventually won him over. Alexander and Zoe now complement each other well--Zoe encourages Alexander to be brave, while Alexander reminds Zoe to "stop and smell the roses."


Briar and Zoe are mutual friends of Grayson, and as Grayson predicted, the two became close friends early on, eventually falling in love and beginning a relationship. Briar's mischievous, adventurous nature fits perfectly with Zoe's vivaciousness. Zoe is somewhat more worldly that Briar, and thus is protective of him. In turn, Briar helps to channel Zoe's energy in a positive way.


Dulshay and Zoe are both friends of Grayson's. Zoe was highly amused by Dulshay at first--she seemed so ditzy! However, Zoe has come to see that Dulshay has a resilient and brave foundation beneath her glitzy exterior, and respects her for it. Dulshay, for her, part, is a bit puzzled as to how Zoe can enjoy getting covered with grease and grime so much, but nevertheless appreciates Zoe's zest for life and support.


Zoe and Grayson met one day when Zoe spotted Grayson's electric scooter broken down on the side of the road and offered to help. With their shared gregarious natures, the two hit it off quickly and became fast friends. Grayson's cheerful and determined idealism inspires Zoe, and Grayson draws from Zoe's energy in a positive way. The two can happily spend hours bouncing ideas off of one another, helping to make each other's dreams become reality.


Grayson introduced Zoe and Jolene, but was uncertain as to how the two would get along, as Jolene is highly introverted, in contrast to Zoe's exuberant extraversion. However, as Zoe fell in love with Jolene's brother Briar, Jolene began to look kindly upon her, and the two are now friends. Jolene has magical capabilities, and Zoe is hopeful that she will teach her these abilities someday. Jolene has not come to a decision on this front yet, but nevertheless enjoys Zoe's company.


Zoe was introduced to Li via Grayson, who was at first unsure as to whether their personalities would mesh. Li is calm, deliberate, and takes a long time to think things over, which would seem to be at odds with Zoe's "go, go, go" demeanor. However, Li and Zoe became friends--Li enjoys Zoe's exuberance, while Zoe delights in Li's Zen-like nature. Li now does his best to protect Zoe from tripping over her own feet, and Zoe helps Li to be more spontaneous.


Grayson introduced Marieus and Zoe, and was concerned as to how the two would get along initially--Marieus seemed ill at ease around Zoe's high energy. However, Zoe's artful use of sarcasm (a trait which Marieus finds endearing) and refusal to take Marieus too seriously eventually won him over. Marieus now enjoys educating Zoe about his art, particularly sculpture. In turn, Zoe makes Marieus laugh and helps him to see the positive side of life more.


Posey and Zoe were introduced by their mutual friend Grayson. Posey was a bit shy towards Zoe at first, but Zoe's gregariousness, coupled with her ability to tone down her energy for Posey's sake, eventually made her Zoe's friend. Zoe is impressed by Posey's broad range of intellect, and loves learning from her. In turn, Posey feels braver when Zoe is around, and hopes that some of Zoe's courage will rub off on her.


Genevieve initially befriended Zoe's friend Posey during a business deal, and so Posey introduced her to Zoe. Zoe was initially struck by Genevieve's joy for life and outgoing personality--she saw much of herself in Genevieve. Genevieve, in turn, came to love Zoe's exuberance and daring personality. Zoe and Genevieve now enjoy exploring the city and getting up to all sorts of adventures together.