


3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Matchi

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Elf

Favorite Food: Mangoes

Element: Fire

Powers: Fireball, ember storm, flight, rose flame, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Shut up!"

Likes: Roses, mangoes, peppers, cats, gardening, soccer, spicy foods, watching the stars, and singing when she's alone (or with Marin).

Dislikes: People seeing her vulnerable side, being ordered around, being asked about her past, sour foods, coffee, cheesy stories with happy endings, and junk food.

Personality: At first glance, Matchi seems like a sweet and friendly girl. However, it doesn't take much to set her off into an angry outburst. The truth is that Matchi is very  easily embarrassed, and tends to react with anger when this is the case. Matchi feels quite vulnerable deep down, and wants to appear strong on the outside, but often makes the mistake of overreacting. She's known to not trust others easily and has difficulty connecting with others as a result. Due to this, Matchi is quite lonely deep down. She can be calmed down by flowers, and can be somewhat peppy and cheery when in a good mood. However, she'll rarely show this side of her to anyone but Marin. She occasionally acts a bit tsundere, but usually only when Cyrus is involved. She refuses to explain where she was before meeting the other elves for unknown reasons.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Matchi is a bit of an outlier compared to her other elves. While she presumably is from the same home world as the other elves that fell victim to Glades' control, none of them had met her prior to the start of the main story. One day Matchi appeared on Animal Planet with a mission she refused to disclose, only for Deerrain to convince her that he'd show her around, leading her to SAC. The other elves were just as shocked to find there was an elf they hadn't met, but were assured by Shadow-cat that she was one of the 25 of them. Since that day, Matchi found herself working for SAC, but she appears to have an agenda of her own...

Current-Bio: Matchi currently works for SAC and occasionally appears as a villain for the main characters to fight. Despite her tendency to distrust others, she slowly begins to trust the words of her enemies over those of her own kind...

Meta-History: Matchi has origins as one of the first elves I created along with Cheryl. However, unlike Cheryl, Matchi has origins of being a catgirl in her original design. She otherwise didn't look too different than she does now, but did not originally have her wings and had a tail in her original design. Her eyes were also blue in at least one drawing. I recently found an old comic on my Facebook featuring an earlier version of Matchi (referred to as "Vivi" with early Cyrus (referred to as "Claude"): Old 2012 Comic I have no memory of Matchi being called "Vivi", but otherwise that looks like her old design, so unless I had another character named Vivi,  it's safe to assume that's early Matchi. Interesting how the character that became Matchi was originally so carefree while the character that became Cyrus was so irritable. Matchi eventually received her current characterization before I changed her into being an elf, but I still wonder how I forgot about her old name. Since she wasn't originally an elf, her role in the story has also changed. Originally Matchi was an actual classmate of the main characters (hence the schoolgirl outfit) and was their tall tsundere classmate. Once I established the elves backstory, I had to change this and Matchi ended up being a villain.

She's not related to Yatchi or Patchi despite having a similar name. However, I note that her name rhymes with Yatchi's but not with Patchi's. Matchi is pronounced as "Mah-chee", not like "match-ee"

Relationships with Other Characters:

Shadow-cat: Matchi doesn't trust Shadow-cat, but knows she can't oppose him yet.

Glades: Matchi doesn't like Glades and dislikes following her orders.

Cheryl: Matchi doesn't usually notice Cheryl, but when she does she's usually neutral or indifferent.

Deerrain: Matchi gets easily annoyed with Deerrain and usually refers to him as "Moron!".

Saturn: Matchi is surprisingly friendly towards Saturn. It's possible she wants to be friends.

Cyrus: Matchi has a slight crush on Cyrus that goes unnoticed by him. She tends to be a bit tsundere towards him because of this.

Ramby: Matchi is generally irritated by Ramby.

Cecil: Matchi seems to have met Cecil before, but she can't quite remember where. She finds him suspicious.

Meevio: Matchi doesn't understand why Meevio laughs so often and usually gets annoyed.

Pocky: Matchi dislikes Pocky's teasing and is generally annoyed with her.

Marin: Matchi has known Marin longer than anyone and considers her to be her best friend.

Reese: Matchi generally gets along with Reese.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.