


3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Ramby

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Elf

Favorite Food: Potato Chips

Element: Earth

Powers: Rock throw, flight, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Wanna hear a joke I came up with?"

Likes: Jokes, seeing his friends smile, salty snacks, eating grass when no one is looking, and comedy routines.

Dislikes: Forgetting the punchlines to his jokes, rare meat, and not being able to wear most hats because of his horns.

Personality: Ramby is carefree and silly, often on a different plane of thought than  his fellow elves. He almost always appears to be in a cheerful mood and is always thinking of new jokes and puns to tell his peers. However, his jokes often fall flat or fail due to him messing up/forgetting the punchline. Ramby never loses his faith in his attempts to brighten his friends' day despite rarely succeeding. Few things will break his cheerful demeanor. He's also prone to having silly daydreams.

Home: Animal Planet

History:  Ramby once lived a peaceful life with the other elves, but this was cut  short when their world was taken over by space conqueror Glades. Like the others, Ramby was quickly made to do Glades' bidding, but rarely does much himself.

Current-Bio: Ramby can usually be found around SAC with the other elves, but he is rarely sent on missions. He usually tries to listen the mood with a joke when when things get tense.

Meta-History: Ramby was created sometime in 2013 and was one of the last elves I created. I've never really used him much, which has left him rather undeveloped as a character. I originally created him because I had fun giving Deerrain antlers, so I wanted to try something similar with a ram. For some reason I've just never been compelled to do much with him. He just exists in same universe as the other characters and that's about it. He's just kinda there.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Deerrain: Ramby considers Deerrain to be one of this best friends, but Deerrain just can't be bothered.

Saturn: Ramby thinks that Saturn loves his jokes (she doesn't).

Cyrus: Ramby and Cyrus are friends.

Matchi: Ramby is friendly towards Matchi.

Cecil: Ramby thinks that Cecil is cool and mysterious.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.