dylan hughes!



2 years, 11 months ago



  • AGE 26
  • D.O.B November 15
  • PRONOUNS he/him
  • ORIENTATION bisexual
  • ALIGNMENT chaotic good


Dylan is really your average type of guy. Bumped around the foster care system for quite some time along with his sister Emma, the two have always been a dynamic duo, rather unstoppable at catching people's attention when they're together. Out of both of them, however, Dylan was always the more athletic, trying out for multiple sports teams, always at practice, with excellent athletic prowess and even better hand-eye coordination. 

As adults, however, both Emma and Dylan struggled with holding down a job, and in general struggled to keep money together once they were out in the world on their own. Since they couldn't afford a college education yet, both of them mostly bounced from menial job to job. However, that's when they chanced upon meeting Sally, a wannabe circus troupe ringleader looking for members to be apart of her ragtag group. It wasn't going to pay well, but there would be room and board, and it looked fun

Dylan joined both because of his athletic ability and because of what a fast learner he is. Although he had limited prowess in gymnastics, where he really hit his stride was with knife throwing and, eventually, dabbling in fire swallowing and other such reckless stunts. He mastered a lot of these skills in no time at all, and has quickly become a cornerstone of the success of the Reve Gentille circus. 


I would describe Dylan as being just the normal type of cis guy you would meet in real life. Brash, goofy, somewhat of a sarcastic asshole, the kind of person who doesn't take things seriously and loves to make a joke out of most things, but who is insanely protective and serious over those he would call family. Indeed, behind that punchable face is some misplaced goodness brewing around in there -- even if sometimes it's hard to see behind the smart-mouthed quips and angry outbursts. Dylan can also be described as being incredibly reckless and quick to act. This adds a flair of fun danger to the show, but stresses everyone out quite a bit behind the scenes. Out of everyone in the troupe, Dylan is probably the one who gets pulled muscles and slight injuries the most, just because he loves to dive headfirst into everything that he does. He's also always the time to speak his mind and object to some idea first. 


  • spicy food 
  • watching sports
  • going for a run
  • cats and dogs
  • Nike shoes


  • being woken up (he's not a morning person at all)
  • being scolded or being told that he's wrong
  • bugs
  • when Emma is giving him the silent treatment


  • His stage name is Dylan Dynamite, or to some people, "Mr. Dynamite". 
  • In high school, he hopped around many different sports. Although he was arguably the best at baseball, he also played football, lacrosse, tennis, and swim. He always quickly grew bored of whatever sport he was in, and would simply sell all of the previous sports equipment that he had purchased in order to afford his next sporty endeavor. 
  • He was always very unsure and even nervous about his bi-ness growing up. He dated a few girls in high school, who he really liked, but was also attracted to men every now and again, which tended to confuse him. Nowadays, he's in an on again, off again relationship with Barnaby, and his sexuality is still something that he's trying to explore/figure out.
  • He's very strong/muscular, and he can pick up Babs and put her on his shoulder with one arm. 

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