barnaby drake!



2 years, 11 months ago



  • AGE 30
  • D.O.B September 3rd
  • PRONOUNS he/him
  • ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral


Barnaby got his masters in English literature at a prestigious university. Now, he's a circus clown. If that isn't dramatic irony, I don't know what is.

Barnaby has always been a very intelligent, wry person-- nearly ever since he was born. He has a somewhat stiff and unfriendly way about him, and definitely prefers to be on his lonesome rather than with other people. His lack of social life growing up gave him plenty of time to explore topics that interested him -- from trains and dinosaurs as a child to complex books and high level sciences as an adult. Barnaby is definitely what you could call a jack-of-all-trades: if you run up to him with a question, chances are he will probably know what the answer is.

However, comedy has also always been a big interest for him, as well as the historical significance of jesters and clowns. So when you're a newly-graduated English major and you're drowning in debt and your parents won't help you, joining a slapshod circus and getting knives thrown at you for pay isn't the worst option out of all of them. 

The circus is also where he met Dylan, who he would accidentally end up falling in love with. Barnaby is certainly more interested in Dylan than Dylan is in him, but they have an on-again, off-again that causes Barnaby much lovesick agony. 


On the surface, Barnaby can definitely be described as being a dry, know-it-all asshole. In fact, he has a bad habit of making a bad first impression on almost everyone he meets due to the fact that he doesn't have the most friendly disposition and often acts disinterested in everything around him, almost as if he is above it. However, this holier-than-thou attitude that he carries both on the stage and offstage is what makes his act such a riot. 

However, he is actually quite the loyal person once befriended, and can be considered a ride-or-die. He's very intelligent and very good at giving advice, even if he's hard to coax into listening in the first place. He's also a surprisingly big dreamer for someone who tends appear to be so grounded in reality, with lots of ideas and plans for his future that he holds close to his chest. 

Barnaby has a lot of trouble trusting people on a deep level, hence the fact that he's not the friendliest type but will stick with people till death once he considers them friends. 


  • Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Dostoevsky 
  • Espresso (and coffee flavored things in general) 
  • ~quiet time~ 
  • Making people laugh is, believe it or not, a begrudging joy for him
  • Being with Dylan and getting to banter with him


  • People who argue with him (in Barnaby's mind, he is always right, of course)
  • Getting bad grades when he was in school 
  • His insomnia and other mental troubles 
  • His parents


  • His performer name is actually "Barney the Clown" as opposed to his actual name of Barnaby, mostly because of the purple hue of his ensemble. 
  • Barnaby is addicted to correcting information on Wikipedia, and moderates several articles very closely. 
  • His favorite book that he studied in university is King Lear. In fact, sometimes he dreams about performing Shakespeare, but knows that it's pretty unlikely to ever happen. But hey, he can dream about playing the titular role in Hamlet...
  • Barnaby is very much like an Uncle to a lot of the folks at the circus troupe. He's a very reliable presence to have around even if he'll always greet you with some kind of dry, unfriendly remark. A lot of the girls especially see through his unfriendliness though, to the big softie inside. 
  • His main act in the circus is that, for a big chunk of the show, he sits inside the audience and heckles quite a bit. The fact that Barnaby makes fun of the shoddy-looking nature of the circus as a sort of self-aware nod is something that never fails to make the audience laugh, as he voices a lot of their own humorous concerns. Then, finally, when Dylan comes to do his act and Barnaby begins to heckle him in-character, Dylan calls him down to the ring to be apart of the act since it's "sooo easy and boring". Then, Dylan throws knives at him. LOL
    • Barnaby gets nervous stomach aches about this act almost every night. Dylan has only messed up once, throwing the knife too close to his head and taking a chunk of his earlobe with it, but that has now made Barnaby scared forever that Dylan is going to accidentally stab him in the face one day.
    • He has a completely untreated and undiagnosed anxiety disorder as well, that's partly why he gets stomach aches for a lot of things. 
  • Barnaby's character in the act is to kind of be a total asshole and then a complete punching bag, but he doesn't really mind, since a lot of times it makes the audience laugh super hard and gives them all gratification. 
  • Barnaby and his family are on terrible terms, so he's a bit begrudgingly happy that he's found a new family-type system with the circus. 

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