
3 years, 1 month ago



Name: Jett (former name unknown)

Age: Unknown

Species: Android

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Profession: Ninja (formerly Assassin)

Personality: Levelheaded, serious, out of touch, tactical, vengeful, honorable

Likes: Remembering his past, protecting his friends, putting a stop to evil doers

Dislikes: Crime, being mocked, CRIMSON, failure


Jett was once a young man living in Andvantra city, the city of tomorrow. He moved there in hopes of making a brighter future for himself, as well as show off his skills in the robotic field that was booming in this 22nd century. He even managed to make some new friends as he presude this career in college. He boasted his plans to one day work for the CRIMSON corporation, the head organization in robotic egineering. Everything was looking up for Jett, until one night where he was at the wrong place at the wrong time that lead to him having an encounter with members of the CRIMSON clan, it turns out they run an underground crime organization, and Jett was kidnapped for their next latest experiment, the "System Soldiers" project. Jett, along with many other unfortunate indivuals were tested on and had their memories altered and wiped, and received several cybernetic augments to turn them into androids. Jett was made into a what resembles an ninja to become an assassin for CRIMSON to eliminate any potential threats to the orgination for the next few years

Alongside being turned into an android, Jett and the other System Soldiers were also given access to this experimental energy CRIMSON uses to power their devices they named "Shinku". Shinku can be manipulated in a plethora of ways to project various different energy-based weapons that are linked to the System Soldier (they're perfect for not leaving any murder weapons during assassinations). Jett primarily utilizes Shinku by creating green shurikens for long distance combat, but if he needs to up close and personal he will forge some energy kunai as well.

After working for CRIMSON for a few years, Jett would one day have an encounter with a contract who was actually one his former friends when he was still human. This would end up sparking some of his old memories back. He suffereed extreme trauma and whiplash having some of his original mind come back, now longer a fully heartless killer android assassin. He would then vow to take revenge on CRIMSON and try to free the other System Soldiers from their programming.