


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

IRL name



Salsa Verde




mid 30s









Nikola is a cunning individual who uses others to make ends meet...or, well, so it's said. In truth, Nikola is a lot more kind than they like to let on, and will cut ties with someone if it means they'll be better off without knowing them. Those that manage to stick by them despite it all, however, are seen to them as a funky lil family of theirs, and they'll do what they can to get them out of any trouble they're in.


Originally, Nikola was one of the higher ups in an organization specializing in the management that goes into assigning assassins to missions, communicating with other members of management, and keeping tabs on anyone who steps out of place in the company. After overhearing about DRcade long ago, they sent an agent out to collect data for the game and, right before the game is brought to shambles, is successful in gathering enough information to recreate the game for their own use.

Rather than a game for fun, however, Nikola set the game up with two goals -- to test their assassins, and give one last chance for those in the organization to prove that their are trustworthy. The game was also used to tamper with the memories of those who entered, making them unsure how they got to the game itself, and could even take the memories of those who passed on in the game, should the opportunity arise. 

However, as years passed, the Organization begun to split into two groups -- and after a major benefactor's decision to use their money to benefit their grandson instead, a decision is made to overthrow key members of the Organization from within. Nikola, encouraging their benefactor's genuine choice rather than shunning them, is thrown into the game as well with the express goal of getting rid of them.

After the events of DRcade2, Nikola is now the boss of the remaining members of the organization, and spends a fair amount of their time investigating shady corporations and individuals. They also obtain the inheritance money that Hazel owned - but, knowing what his grandparents wanted, Nikola makes a quiet vow to use it for Hazel's sake, especially given his difficult family position.

They also contemplate if DRcade should be brought back to their original owners, having grown to dislike the game as whole. They instead decide to destroy the game - but years later, when a different version of DRcade pops up, they can't help but worry what this means...

Other Notes:

  • After the launch of DRcade ONLINE, Nikola keeps an eye on Daturatech and related, hoping that they don't go under fire again thanks to the rumors about the DESPAIR side games.
  • After the game's events, Nikola has quietly adopted Hazel, given his now passed on grandparents, as well as his parents being ex-organization members. Unlike the others, Nikola makes the effort to keep Hazel as far away from the Organization as possible, hoping to give them the 'normal life' that their grandparents wished of him.
  • Nikola is the name that they use when interacting with Michi and the like - their real name is unknown.

Music Notes: