Basic Info

Age 🎂


Birthday 📆

24th July

Zodiac ✨


Personality 🎭

Playful, Assertive & Seductive

Occupation 💼

Casino Owner & Bunnygirl Hostess

Likes 💕

Bowling, Chance Games & Bunnies

Dislikes 🗑️

Denim, Formality & Revolving Doors



Cheqmate is a character of ours in Whipped And Steamy • Cosplay Café and Bunny Splash Casino (Adults Only)! 

Formerly a real-state agent, luck hit Cheqmate as she won the rights to an abandoned casino in the heart of the Red Light District. Taking the winds of opportunity and betting on a new lifestyle, she took her best chance, took a loan, hired some friends, and fully renovated the once dysfunctional casino, turning it into the brand-new Bunny Splash Casino.

Pressured by other business in the Red Light District, she and her other employees decided to push the limits of their casino absorbing the districts atmosphere, changing some of the casino's games into activities of entertainment and lust. Thanks to some of the sexier games, more often than not the casino gives place for some uninhibited adult fun, where Cheqmate isn't afraid to join some of the fun as well.

While Cheqmate emits an aura of assertiveness and seductiveness when dealing with her customers, those traits come from her playful side. She frequently enjoys chance games herself, and even prior to opening the casino enjoyed a nights out with her friends at the Red Light District both in some of its special activities, as well as on a plain round of bowling.

She also really likes bunnies, which inspired her outfit, and immediately felt in love with Buns Buns as a character when she saw her for the first time. Her playful and informal nature also makes her not-so-fond of forced formality, she dislikes wearing denim and revolving doors, as her hair keeps getting stuck on them.