Ivan (Fanon!Ivan)



2 years, 1 month ago



Ivan in the fanon is relatively the same as his canon counterpart. He is a 1-Star pathfinder of the organization Solaris. He is the 5th member of Novateam and of the main characters of Syamo. He is Novateam's rambunctious scout, speedster, and local imaginarian. Filling the team with his crazy and ambitious ideas and concepts. He wishes to explore the world and one day find and meet his father.

-=General Info=-
Name: Ivan Parloff
Pronunciation: Eye-vin Par-Loff
Nicknames: Peppers, Ivester, Idiot
Age: 18
Birthday: September 26th
Birthplace: [TBA]
Species: Sollan
    Race: Sorian
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4

Current residence: Solariah
Occupation: Solaris Pathfinder
Relationship status: Taken
Social Status: The group idiot

-=Distinguishing features=-
Ivan is a short red stick figure with crimson forearms arms and elbow spikes, he also has a line of spikey hair that runs almost in a mohawk-like fashion. he has one small patch of hair that hands over his eyes as a bang. He has deep indigo eyes and a black scarf that runs two tails behind him.

When his adaptation activates, his forearms glow reddish white with energy.

Likes: Hanging out, Being outside
Dislikes: Reading, big words, being bored.
Fears: TBA
Hobbies/past times: Jogging, Eating, Napping
Guilty pleasures: Pranks
Pet Peeves: Headpats, being called short.
Personal goals: To find his dad.
Religious values: Mild
General intelligence: Below Average
General sociability: Very High

Ivan is an extremely friendly, energetic, and annoyingly extroverted dude who loves interacting with people and making friends. His social personality can often be seen as suffocating or annoying to those around him. He'll often be spunky, reckless, and overly ambitious with an overactive imagination in which he constantly berates people with his stupid and overly ambitious ideas. He's often the butt of jokes and get's punished for his antics. The absurdity of his behavior, while offputting for most people; it's endearing to others. In a strange way, his spirited nature can often be motivating, or even inspirational. He tries his best to make sure the vibes are fun, active, and hilarious. He's a lighthearted jokester and a bit of a prankster which can push his teammates to harm him.

His behavior also often leads him to be a bit flirtatious with girls, which; to 0 success (With the exception of one). Which leads to him being inflicted with violence or threats. he can also sometimes come off as ignorantly blunt but he's always well-meaning and honest with his statements. The only exception is when he intentionally tries to hide his responsibility for problems and blame it on something else, or someone else.

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Sollan Adaptation: Ivan choose to create an adaptation to suit the aspects of traveling far distances really quickly, his thought process was, "What is the best and most fun way to travel?"
         - Adaptation: Mach Spark
           Category: Generation
Ivan has the ability to charge, manipulate, and channel kinetic energy he can use in various unique ways. His legs and forearms act as shock absorbers which can convert impact and motion into energy that can be released to his leisure. His most infamous move propels him at Mach speed for devastating attacks. If he lands on his shock absorbers it restores, or even multiplies the amount of kinetic energy he builds up. Creating a Faux-Perpetual motion machine.

The speed of this adaptation gives off a serious tunnel vision effect. When Ivan blasts into a direction at Mach Speed, he is unable to control the direction he is in, the speed can also cause serious whiplash. While Ivan has trained himself to manage the risk, the chance still exists. Consistent use can also cause his forearms and legs to grow sore from the shock they take.

Ivan's Dad- [TBA]
Ivan's Mom -[TBA]





Friends and Allies

Love Interest
Peaches- A spunky gladiator who Ivan found quite attractive. Unlike many of his failed flirtatious attempts on many girls. Peaches finds him cute and endearing, which for the first time in his life has caught him off guard. At the same time, he tries to impress the girl and horrifically acts big. It was his humor and clumsy personality that made Peaches mutually attracted to him. When the two come in close proximity, both become confused dorks who try their best not to ruin the other's affinity and affection. Spiraling into a comedic will they won't they shenanigans.

Their first few encounters during the initiation arc started off as a rough but flirtatious rivalry that had the two competing with one another to pass initiation with both 1UPing each other.

At the end of the Nibiru Arc, Ivan asks Peaches out in which she accepts. Officially becoming a couple.


-=Other Details=-