Ash (Fanon!Ash)



2 years, 1 month ago


"Listen here, sunshine. If you want to become gladiators. Then you need to know what you're up against. If you're going to work with people like me- Then you're going to show me what you got, fresh meat."
- Ash (Prologue Arc)

Ignite (feat. Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hall) by Jeff Williams

Ash in the fanon stays relatively the same as her canon counterpart except for a strong fondness and curiosity for a particular individual. Otherwise, Ash is a sollan 3-star gladiator under the employment of the organization Solaris. She is the first gladiator that the Trio encounters and endorses the trio in earnest. She is a recurring character that serves as Novateam's mentor figure and guide towards various situations, periodically bumping into them when it is most convenient. She is one of the founding members of the late syndicate, Cometstryke.

-=General Info=-
Name: Ash
Pronunciation: a-sh
Nicknames: None
Age: 26
Birthday: August 1st
Birthplace: Ellos (Sollah)
Species: Sollan (Stick figure)
   Race: Sorian
      Ethnicity: Volatian-Avalonian
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3

Current residence: Traveler
Occupation: Solaris Gladiator
Relationship status: Single
Social status: A powerful warrior and dedicated member of the organization. Although very VERY uncomfortable to be around for some.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Ash is a dark gray stick figure with a toned build and covered in soot-like markings on her feet, hands, and face. She has bright orange hair and dark grey-colored teeth. Ash also has red eyes with spiral-shaped pupils and a light yellow sclera. In her comet strike years, she wore the signet band on her right arm. Currently, she wears a dark brown cloak that's tattered with light brown highlights on the edges.

When she channels her adaptation her hair flows in the shape of fire, it even ripples in flame-like colors almost as if it's on fire. 

Likes: Unknown
 Boring people/Doormats, Buzzkills
Hobbies/past times:
 Sparring and fighting, Training
Guilty pleasures:
 Partying, Eating, Naping
Pet Peeves:
 Droaning, Long words, complicated explanations
Personal goals:
 To fight strong people
Religious values:
 The Will of Selena Solaris
General intelligence:
 Moderate (Considered naive)
General sociability:
 Extremely High

Ash is a reckless, eccentric, and extroverted thrill-seeker who travels looking for a fun challenge and wonderful experience. She can be seen as very brash and uncomfortable to be around due to her lack of respect for personal space. Also a bit tunnel-visioned. Despite these, she's very caring to those around her, especially those she's grown fond of.

When around her lessers, she can be aggressively confusing, cryptic, and rather brash. But extremely caring as their superior, providing lessons to those who need it. making her a wonderful teacher and a mature sparring partner.

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Close Combat Skills
Ash is an incredible fighter while she is not a martial artist, she is an outstanding brawler. Her fighting style consists of overwhelming strikes with other fists and legs fueled by her powers that give her attacks extra force. While this gives her weakness to more technical fighters, she prefers the blitz option passionately. 

Sollan Adaptation
Ash's ability was created using the traditions of both the Volatians and the Avalonians, powers built to be strong, and reliable, but extremely aggressive and volatile.

Adaptation: Voltage Burst
Category: Generation

Ash ignites a compressed heat flow from within her, causing the sollan to burn like a furnace. Circulating the heat through her body the heat increases her strength and speed drastically. With concentration, Ash can express these heatwaves at great force causing her surroundings to combust. Giving her a pseudo-pyrokinesis.

Zenith Surge: Infernal Overdrive
When Ash is in the press of death or becomes extremely in the zone of the fight. She is pumped with extreme amounts of adrenaline and all of her limiters are removed from her body. In this state, Ash goes into a crazed over-energized state causing her tunnel vision on the thing she seeks to defeat. Unfortunately, with all the limiters removed from her body, she is extremely prone to tearing her muscles and breaking her bones in the process. As well as feeling extreme levels of fatigue from the energy output.

Ability Recoil
Ash's attacks are extremely reckless, most of her attacks can induce massive recoil to her body, and her intense movements can cause muscle strain. And with her zenith surge, she is in danger of tearing her muscles apart and breaking her bones. Despite the massive power she holds, she must take extreme caution in how much power she releases while balancing the amount of damage it does to her body.

Tunnel Vision Recklessness
Ash can be a great fighter in the heat moment. However, she can be too in the moment. Prone to ignore everything around her which can be to the detriment of any teammates who are working with her. As well as a danger to her health.

It is unknown if Ash has any prominent family members. She does not speak of her family and feels that she doesn't need to.

Cometstryke- Ash found the Syndicate with her best friends Anethe and Willow. As was their plucky and rambunxious bruiser who punched their way out of things, and while she was extremely reckless and all over the place; she was loyal and devoted to the team, she was willing to do everything for the syndicate. After it disbanded due to differing paths and ideas, Ash felt a melancholy.
Anethe and Willow -
Tango- [TBA]
Cumillo- [TBA]
Ern- [TBA]
Ravutt- [TBA]

The Magnificent trio- Ash passively looks after them where their parents cannot. She serves as an off-hand mentor and an older sister figure for them. Teaching them new things, introducing new aspects of life and their abilities. Her affection is confusing and brash, but genuine. Doing everything she can to support them and help them grow into spectacular warriors and members of Solaris.

Novateam- Ash often watches over and cares for this syndicate as she is the one who endorsed the admission of the founders. Each one has a flaw or path that Ash often passively guides. This path is rough and coarse, but her tenacity helps her be brash and weird about it.

Luma- [TBA]
Ivan- [TBA]
Kazan- [TBA]
Rozah- [TBA]
Lucy- [TBA]
Soren- [TBA]
Neo- [TBA]



Love Interests
Sol- Ash has a strange yet strong fondness for the particular xarron, despite Sol's original disdain towards the sollan's lust for fighting her. It only made her more curious about her story and history. Over time Ash would become extremely flirtatious and make advances towards Sol which would entice curiosity and affection in Sol's heart.

-=Other Details=-