


1 year, 3 months ago


1. What's Up Danger
2. Start a Riot
3. Elevate

Peaches is an unsound gladiator in the Pleiades Syndicate. Her main goal is to protect others who can't defend themselves. 

-=General Info=-
Name: Peaches Chocolat
Pronunciation: Pee-chuhz Show-ko-lah
Nicknames: Sis (By Cream), Meatball Head (By Ivan), Pinky
Age: 20
Birthday: February 14th
Birthplace: Sanveil
Species: Sollan (Stick figure)

Race: Sorian
Ethnicity: Half Solarian, half Sanveli
Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8
Voice Claim: 
Amber from Genshin Impact 

Current residence: Setteliah, Solaria
Occupation: Solaris Gladiator
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: A sweet but ditzy girl.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Peaches is a slightly muscular, light pink stick figure with low twin bun hair, and golden yellow eyes. She wears a black leotard with a small golden heart on the right side of her chest, with matching hat, gloves, and knee lace-up boots.

When using her Zenith Surge, her entire body is surround in a pink aura.

Likes: Eating, working out, hanging out with her friends, the outdoors
Dislikes: Staying in one place for too long, sour food, being told what to do
Fears: Losing her loved ones
Hobbies/past times: Weight lifting, wrestling, napping
Guilty pleasures: Puns
Pet Peeves: Being called dumb
Religious values: Unsure
General intelligence: Average
General sociability: Above Average

Peaches is a cheerful and youthful individual who often daydreams about becoming a hero. However, her determination and steadfastness can sometimes make her inflexible and reluctant to follow instructions. Nevertheless, she tries to build friendly relationships with those around her.

Peaches may show some irritability and have difficulty regulating her emotions at times. She also tends to hold grudges and may take a while to reconcile with those she feels have wronged her.

Peaches is deeply loyal to her friends and family, prioritizing their protection above all else. She is devoted and willing to take any necessary measures to ensure their well-being.

She strives to show kindness and compassion to everyone she meets, but she struggles to demonstrate the same level of kindness to those she holds ill feelings toward. Despite the challenges, Peaches remains committed to extending goodwill and pleasantries to all, including those with whom she feels discomfort.

Peaches can be impulsive and lack foresight, sometimes demonstrating a scatterbrained approach.

-=Abilities and Powers=-

Sollan Adaptation: Like most sollans, she's tuned to the power of light and can manipulate it in the form of Sol. Peaches uses this power to enhance her strength. 

Adaptation: Super Strength

Category: Amplification

Peaches can raise thousands of pounds to tens of thousands of pounds. Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. She can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large sized rocks, tall trees  and are often beyond the physical limits of sollans at their maximum. Peaches can perform extremely powerful attacks and cause a lot of collateral  damage such as destroying large bridges, buildings, heavy vehicles,  large trees, and killing huge creatures that require military grade  weapons, such as moderate explosives, with only her physical strength.

Zenith Surge: Pink Berserk 

When in this mode, Peaches goes on a rampage and becomes much stronger than before. However, she is unable to tell friend from foe while in this mode.

Not Very Durable 
While Peaches may have super strength, she does not have super durability. If Peaches were to attempt to lift something extremely heavy over her head, her bones and joints might snap.

Cream - Peaches has an older sister named Cream. Cream is constantly worried about Peaches and fears that she will get seriously injured during her missions. Although Peaches knows that Cream is just looking out for her and wants her to be safe, she wishes Cream would stop treating her like a child and allow her to make her own decisions.
Pumpkin - Peaches and Cream's aunt is a kind and down-to-earth woman who is always willing to give Peaches some advice. Peaches loves her aunt very much, but she is afraid of her strong hugs. Peaches is pretty sure Pumpkin could easily snap someone in two from just her hugs.
Almond - Peaches and Cream's father is Almond, who serves as Peaches' mentor and has taught her everything she knows. Although Almond allows Peaches to join Solaris, he is too afraid to let her undertake missions that are higher than 1 Star. His fear stems from the possibility of losing her, as he doesn't want to experience the pain of losing another loved one.
Pudding - Peaches and Cream's mom died during the Red Storm while protecting them from a Xarron soldier who tried to kill them. Peaches misses her mom every day. She remembers the pepper jelly her mom would make on special occasions. Eating it reminds her of her mom, and while it does bring her comfort, sometimes it makes her cry.

Team Pleiades
Otto - When she first met Otto, she thought he was really rude and cold. However, she quickly found out that Otto is actually a pretty nice guy; he's just really bad at talking to others. She finds his dancing to be really cool and wishes she could dance like that. The one thing she doesn't like about Otto is that they like to have fish in their dessert. (They become a team before the New Tethynere Arc)
Iris - Peaches thinks Iris' inventions are pretty cool and likes hearing Iris talk about them, even if she has no idea what she's saying half of the time. It is kind of hard for Peaches to keep up with her in conversations sometimes, because when Iris starts to get excited she tends to talk really fast. Peaches tries to get Iris to leave her lab sometimes for fresh air and the two of them enjoy playing video games together. Iris just wishes Peaches would stop breaking her controllers. (They become a team before the New Tethynere Arc)
Kana Kana and Peaches have a brother-sister bond. Peaches likes answering Kana's questions because it makes her feel smart. Although there are some questions that Peaches isn't sure how to answer so she kind of just wings it. She does wish that Kana would stop trying to eat things he shouldn't. (He joins the team during the Osaveil Arc).
Sally - Peaches found her one day while in the forest and brought her back home because "She thought she was pretty funny." The two of them have "chaotic sibling energy". Sally is up for any idea that Peaches has and the two of them always find themselves in trouble. (She joins the team during the Xion Arc)
Ash Peaches did not like Ash at all when she first met him. She didn't trust him because he is an Xarron. However, when Ash risked his life to save her sister Cream, her opinion about him, and Xarrons as a whole, changed. It took some time, but eventually Peaches grew to trust Ash and now considers him a friend. (He joins the team during the 2nd Initiation Arc)
Dolly - Peaches...wasn't sure what to make of Dolly at first. She always thought she was kind of strange but harmless. Peaches doesn't understand why Dolly seems to have so much disdain for her. Regardless, Peaches tries to be her friend and kind to her. Dolly at first thought it was some sort of trick that Peaches was trying to pull, but once she sees that Peaches actually means what she says she slowly warms up to her. Dolly views Peaches as an older sister. (Dolly joins the team during the 2nd Initiation Arc).

Frost - The two of them first met during the Hollowviel Arc where the two of them, along with several other Solaris' members, fought off Force Squad Omicron. They then met again when they took on Hades together. Peaches thinks he's a bit of a goofball, and has a good heart.

Love Interest
Ivan - Peaches first met Ivan during the second phase of the Initiation. At first, Peaches didn't like him, but when she needed his help to figure out what was causing random Sollans to go missing, she realized that he was not so bad. She quickly becomes attracted to him, finding his friendly and energetic personality cute, and thinks his jokes are hilarious. She enjoys his wacky ideas and will often back him up on them. (The two official become a couple during the Nibiru Arc)

Prologue Arc
Peaches' mother, Pudding, dies during the Red Storm while trying to protect her from a Xarron soldier. This causes Peaches to want to join Solaris and become a gladiator, so no one else has to suffer from the loss of losing a loved one.

Initiation Arc

Darkseekers Cult Arc

New Tethynere Arc

Hollow Harvest Arc

Osaveil Arc

Xion Arc

The Dark Mask Arc

Second Initiation Arc

Some of Peaches' favorite foods are:
- Strawberry, basil and black pepper smoothie 
- Pepper jelly
- Baked brie with sweet hot pepper jelly and pear
- Sweet and spicy orange meatballs

Peaches is very ticklish on the sides of her torso.