Criss Seraph (Ham)


Basic Info




Seems to be stuck as a kitten while in Yashanarika


Feela Veira




Criss’s kitten





Creation Year



Adopted by Criss


Unknown, likely somewhere on Taliac

Current Home

Flipside - Yashanarika | Alexandria, Virginia, USA - Taliac


Ham is a kitten who somehow wandered into the Realm of the Dead and was found by Criss. Criss attempted to put the kitten back into the mortal realm, but for some reason it kept finding its way back. After multiple failed attempts to get the kitten to leave Yashanarika, Criss gave up and decided to adopt it instead. He named it Ham, and the two have been together for a long while now. Criss is concerned that spending all this time in Yashanarika is going to affect Ham’s growth, for Ham has remained a kitten for much long than normal and has been with Criss for at least a few years. But of course, it’s not like Criss can get Ham to return to the mortal realm and actually stay there.

Ham has a habit of wandering around and seemingly disappearing and reappearing whenever one takes their eyes off him. Criss is always either carrying Ham with him or in a constant confused search for where his cat has inexplicably vanished to. Fortunately when you’re an illusionist, you can just make your cat reappear whenever you want.

Physical Appearance

Ham is a small kitten who is primarily black with some white patches of fur in various places on his body. This includes white triangular patches on his cheeks, a white diamond shape from his forehead to the back of his head, white fur on the insides of his ears, white paws, a white stripe partway down his tail, and a white tip at the end of his tail. His nose is black, his toes are dark gray/black, and his eyes are green.


Ham is extremely curious and likes to investigate anything that catches his eye. He tends to be very brave and doesn't startle easily, and he tend to hold his ground against threats even if they are significantly larger than him. He does tend to keep his distance from most strangers, but sometimes he can quickly warm up to others and can be very affectionate. He is particularly cuddly with Criss and is often seen perched on his shoulder or crawling on him or in his jacket. Ham likes to play with Criss and tends to bat or pounce at his floating cards, and Ham tends to wander off frequently and is rather difficult to keep track of. He always seems to find his way somehow, though, and Criss is convinced that Ham is not a normal cat even though he can’t really pick up on any indication that he is unusual or abnormal in any way.


  • Just like Criss is sillily named after Criss Angel, Ham is also named after Criss Angel’s now-late cat, Hammie, because I’m dumb like that. Ham isn’t short for Hammie though, Criss just decided to name the cat Ham. I don’t even know if Criss knows what ham is.
    • I’m pretty sure I intentionally made Ham’s fur pattern and color completely different from Hammie’s just because I didn’t want to suggest they were supposed to be the same, just like my Criss is not supposed to be Criss Angel and is just loosely inspired by him as explained in Criss’s main profile. 
  • “What did I tell you about hiding behind people’s ears?“ *meow* “No, I didn’t say that.”
  • ”You don’t understand how much patience is required to do a card trick for a cat.”
    • ”I said pick one card, you can’t just paw at all of them like that.”
    • ”Please don’t remind me that trying to explain the nuance of magic tricks to a cat is probably a futile effort, just humor me for a while longer.”
  • Ham warms up to Klaus very quickly when they meet for the first time. Ham is somewhat neutral about Kain, and he doesn’t like Vanessa very much.