Pei (Sollan!Pei)



2 years, 8 months ago


.: Overview :.

In this universe, Pei is a Sorian who grew up with the Demirs in Avalon.

.: General Info :.

Name: Pei Vesu
Pronunciation: Pay Ves-su
Nicknames: Smitty, Soots
Age: 18
Birthday: October 24th
Birthplace: Sollah
Species: Sollan (Stick figure)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’10

.: Distinguishing features :.

Pei has a busty, curvy figure, having a grayish purple skin color with bright blue eyes. She has soot covering all over her body, making her seem extremely dirty and messy. She’s mostly seen wearing blacksmith gear like goggles, boots, strapless tank top, apron, etc. She’s always seen with bandages covering her forearms. Nobody knows what’s under them.

Current residence: 
Current home: Avalon(?)
Occupation: Syndicate Leader
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: Well known for being a syndicate leader, and strong blacksmith.

. :Personality :.

Pei is very tomboyish and is known to be a perfectionist with her creations, working herself down to the bone in order to make sure her forgery is perfect. She's also seen to be headstrong and confident when it comes to her goals and helping others when needed. She is not afraid to ask for help when it comes to her friends and family.

.: Abilities and Powers :.

Adaptation: Inthrall
Category: Amplification
Pei has the ability to store latent power within objects, enchanting them with special properties, usually in the form of weapon enhancements. Intrall takes the appearance of a blue mystical fire that surrounds Pei's hands. The more power within this fire, the hotter it burns.

.: Weaknesses :.

Pei has the fear of being alone.

.: Relationships :.


Pei's biological family
Marthra - Pei honorary sister.
Syndah - Pei’s godsister.
Vulixia- Pei’s adoptive mother, adores her for how hardworking she is and learned pretty much everything she knows from her.
Alburn - Pei's adoptive father, it took a while to warm up to him due to her past trauma from her own father. But she loves him a lot more than she thinks.


Lucy - Thinks she's cute, and is extremely happy for her and Syndah. She occasionally gives advice to her when Lucy needs it.
Roni -
Pumpkin -
Piper -
Ghost -
Hue -

Syndicate Members/Friends:

Maline - One of Pei's syndicate members. Pei thinks she's adorable, and sees herself in Mali.
Ollie - Pei thinks Ollie is very fun, but sometimes gets a bit skeptical of him due to his past.
Jaybird - Like Ollie, Pei is a bit skeptical of him due to his past. But looks past that, and thinks he's a sweetheart.
Tiki - Pei believes she's a great friend, as well as a great ally.
Nasha -
Tamriah -
Luma -

Love Interest

Arthis - Pei started developing for the armorsmith in early adulthood. But due to his more naive nature, he ignorantly confuses Pei's gestures as gestures of friendship. Despite this, she tries her best to communicate her true feelings to him in hopes that he’ll feel the same way one day.

.: History :.


Pei came from a very strict family, they specializes in explosives and firearms, which is where she got her fire-abilities from. She was very sheltered and never had people her age to interact or socialize with, only her older siblings, who picked on her for being the youngest and blaming their messes and mistakes on her when in trouble. When she was not home and with family for business matters, she was taught to always stand still, look pretty, and to not make a fuss. When being homeschooled, Pei came across a book about the burning mountain, and the concept of blacksmithing. Fascinated by this, she wanted to pursue the art of it. However, her family did not approve of this and brushed it off, thinking it was a silly phase, and that she already has a job here, to help with Vesu Firearms. However, one faithful day, Vesu Firearms visited the bustling Avalon Market. Pei tagging along due to her parents saying she needs to experience stuff firsthand and to forget about her childish thoughts of blacksmithing. 

Pei, would notice a pair of twins, roughhousing together. Due to her parent's orders, at least at first, she didn’t have a chance to interact with them, standing near her parents. But at the same time, she was fascinated to see people that were in her similar age group, and wanted to know more about them. However, the two started leaving Pei's line of sight, as well as her parents traveling deeper into the market. unintentionally giving Pei a chance to sneak off. With some slight hesitation, she followed the twins, leading her to the Demir's home. 

This is when she first, officially meets the twins. The twins lead her to Vulixia. She introduces herself and over the course of Pei hanging with them for the rest of the day, she quickly falls in love with this rowdy, dirty, and burning work. 

Over the course of a couple of months, she would sneak out and learn under Vulixia’s wing. Unfortunately, one night she gets caught by her parents, and as punishment for lying and sneaking out for months. They burnt her forearms and hands to a crisp. As well as not allowing her to leave whatsoever. A few days pass, and the infamous Red Storm begins. Due to her parents, she was quickly abandoned and left to die in Avalon while they all fled. Having to fend for herself, she ended up having to fight Wendigo by herself. Thankfully, Arthis found Pei before she got hurt, and ended up taking a hit, giving him a scar on his stomach. After they're in a safe spot and Vulixia finds them. She asked what happened to them, the trio would explain everything at the same time. Vulixia quickly asks Pei what happened, where are her parents, and what happened to her hands. Pei would try and explain it the best she can, and would ask if she could stay with Vulixia and the Demirs. Considering she has nowhere else to go anymore, and she's all alone now. She would let Pei stay with them as long she needs. And from there, she would learn more blacksmithing techniques and become a full-fledged blacksmith. As she grew up, she slowly started to fall for Arthis, due to his himbo and simple nature. 

(Will add the other arcs and other important details soon i prommy)

For a while, she adorns the Demirium crest for a while until she goes freelance and starts her own syndicate group, Midas Syndicate, which was endorased thanks to Blaze.

.: Other Details :.