Theodora (Sollan!Theodora)



2 years, 8 months ago




General Info:

Name: Theodora

Alias: Death's Cold Embrace

Age: 24 

Birthday: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown

Species: Stickman

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 10’

Sexuality: Lesbian

Distinguishing Features

A grey, muscular stickwoman with a messy ponytail, and a blue tiara similar to her clan's logo. She wears a blue dress over dark blue spats, with blue, thigh-high boots underneath a large blue kimono with light blue fluff around the neck and sleeves.

Current Residence: [TBA]

Current Home: [TBA]

Occupation: Monster Hunter

Relationship Status: Single

Social Status: Royalty


Voice Claim: Elizabeth Maxwell (Caulifla in Dragon Ball Super)

Language: Common

Other Known Languages: 

Style of Speaking: Very arrogant and somewhat refined, often talking down to others, or mocking them in some regard. 


Theodora is has a fiery personality to contrast her icy abilities, often eager to fight anyone and show her superiority over others. She's incredibly demanding, and comes off as an incredibly self-absorbed individual who treats most people like they're beneath her. Theodora is also skilled at aggravating her opponents, sometimes to a fault when she winds up biting off more than she can chew. Regardless, she has very little sense of self preservation, thinking that since she's so strong, she might as well do whatever the hell she wants. Beneath that arrogance and smugness secretly lies hints of insecurity and desperation within her heart. 

Likes: Feeling Superior, Food, Fighting, 

Dislikes: Feeling Disrespected, Politics, Talkative People

Hobbies: She likes to fight monsters, and soak in hot springs.

Personal Goals: Theodora wants to be the strongest there is.

General Intelligence: Overall fairly smart, but more than she lets on. Fairly resourceful, and is great at getting under peoples' skin

General Sociability: Very arrogant and self-centered, commanding respect and fear with ease.




Current Allies: 

Love Interest: 


General Skills: Proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and likes to use her size and strength to throw her opponents around, and pin them down.

Peaceful or Violent?: Neutral, but will become Violent if she's itching for a fight.

Weapon(s) of Choice: She primarily uses a pair of ice gauntlets she can form around her arms naturally, as well as her fists, feet, as well as whatever ice formations she can summon such as an ice sword or spear. 


-Winter's Demise-

 She has the ability to create and manipulate various forms of snow and ice, but it comes at the cost of gradually freezing her to death over the course of her life, as well as with over use of her powers. It can be treated by being near heat, or by when she uses Soul Siphon.

-Soul Siphon-

Theodora can grab someone, and quickly absorb their body heat and power. She can use this to make her curse die down, and prolong her lifespan, and partially gain whatever abilities or attributes they possessed. 


Theodora always feels cold, as if she'd been outside on a snowy day. Within anywhere between a few hours to a few days, she grows colder without a heat source to help her curse die down. Besides the effects of her curse, Theodora is very healthy for a giant, immortal ice warrior. Her metabolism is ridiculously fast, and she's immune to most illnesses thanks to absorbing the power of the Crimson Beast.