Dr. Corvin + Dr. Duvet



2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Corvin Delarouse and Duvet Delarouse


Both He/Him



Place of Work

The Donahue Institute


On-Campus (and sometimes Off-Campus) Doctors/Medical Advisors

Favorite Colors

Corvin's is Black, while Duvet's is surprisingly Red, not Pink!

Random Quote

Duvet: "Come on, then, let's see your arm. Perhaps you'll think next time before you slide down the stairs!"


Duvet and his husband Corvin are the trusted and experienced doctors at the Donahue Institute. While they're for the most part in their office, sometimes their help is needed outside of the office, and they're always there in a flash. People call them miracle workers, but Duvet insists that they're no magicians and every remedy is created through hard research and work. All in all, the two are always busy, but never too busy to take in another patient!

Duvet is for the most part approachable and calm, but sometimes he can be just a tad irritable if it's been a long day, and he's also on the constant lookout for students or staff who could be potentially sick or injured but are trying to hide it. Nothing gets under that guy's beak undetected! For such a small guy, he can clear quite a long distance across campus super quickly!

Corvin is more of a silent guy. He seldom speaks, and people would normally be intimidated by him because of his size and demeanor. However, he's a huge teddy bear, and he gives very great hugs when it's requested of him. He's also an incredible dancer, though not many people have seen it in action. It's simply a rumor amongst the students at present.