


2 years, 6 months ago



Name: Nini Leder

Age: 20

Height: 5'1"

Birthday: April 5th

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Half Human/Half Succubus

Nini was brought into this world through a sacrifice to the Sin of Lust by her father, Kul, the union between a mortal and one possessed by the SIn creating a half human, half succubus. She was not the first of her kind, only being made after her father lost her elder brother, Nicolás.

She was brought up inside of the cult her father led, and was taught the principles and ways from the time she was old enough to comprehend. She fervently believes in her father's preachings, that Darkness is truly the savior of the world. Being the daughter of the leader led to her being seen in reverence by the members, but outside of the members' public eye, Nini always knew that her father wanted nothing more than to see the return of her elder brother, something she could never hope to live up to.

To try and help her father in whatever ways she could, Nini joined a dojo in order to strengthen herself. Through this dojo and befriending her sensei, Nini grew to love anime as well, seeking out artists to draw her characters she would doodle in her free time. One day, while browsing, she accidentally stumbled upon her long lost older brother, enjoying the same media that she enjoyed. Now with her father informed of his whereabouts, she only has one desire: finally reunite her family again by bringing her older brother home.

Nini is a very soft spoken girl, used to being spoken over in conversation very often and as a result, not knowing how to initiate conversations herself. When getting to talk about something she takes joy in, she tends to go on passionate rambles, much to her own embarrassment once she realizes. She seems to lack a lot of confidence in herself, not seeing herself as worth much outside of assisting in her father's ambitions. While people seem to flock around her naturally due to her succubus half, she seems to hate to be the center of attention, getting incredibly anxious when others are around. Due to her upbringing, Nini is very naive and ignorant about how the world outside of the cult works, and seems to take great interest in learning about the world once she's coaxed into overcoming her hesitation with the subject. She can be gullible, but she truly is a kind person who just wants to do right by the people she cares about.


- Anime

- Plums

- Stuffed Animals

- Karate


- Beans

- Being stared at

- The sight of blood

- Horror Games


- Has a white hamster named Bijou. Her father gave her to Nini as a present.

- Her father does not know that Nini does not like beans, and as such is often made to eat them despite the pain to her stomach it causes.

- She draws her original characters a lot, but she's not a very good artist.

- Prefers magical girl anime because she loves the outfits and the idea of friendship.

- Despite her personality, she's actually a SCARY good fighter due to her training with Sensei

- Just like her brother, Nini can heal herself through intimacy with others. The more intense, the better the healing.

- When she gets excited or flustered, her bat wings flap.