


2 years, 7 months ago















being hot










Early life

Fire is the younger of two boys. Him and his brother have very similar personalities, which lead to many arguments and a complicated relationship as they grew up. Being demons, the two of them very quickly learned that it was kill or be killed, so they both grew strong in order to survive. This rule was not an exception between the two of them, meaning they fought a lot. Although they also cared enough about each other not to go too far they were still very violent. Fire never cared about humans or earth, and so never bothered to learn about how demons got summoned. He was only vaguely aware of the concept of anchors, but never bothered to do any proper research, assuming that no one would have any reason to summon him.

First love

When Fire manages to become strong and generally well known amongst other demons, he meets an angel named Anaya. Against all odds and the rules, him and Anaya end up falling in love. The two of them are forbidden from dating due to being an angel and demon, but they risk it anyways. Fire is by nature not very romantic, so keeping their relationship a secret is not very hard for him. The two of them manage to keep their relationship a secret for years, though it eventually crumbles and they are caught. Anaya is immediately punished by being sent to earth and becoming a fallen angel, and Fire is stuck in the demon realm unable to get to earth.


Despite his abrasive personality, Fire had truly loved Anaya. He mourns her loss for a very long time, and it makes him seem weak to other demons. In order to get Fire to forget her and turn back into his “strong” self, his brother messes with his memories and erases Anaya. Fire completely forgets about her and goes back to the way his life was before he ever met her. Fire never finds out about what Spike did, and doesn’t get the chance to before Spike is summoned to earth himself. Fire is for once in his life stuck without his brother, and turns to anger. He gets even stronger and more notorious among demons as someone not to be messed with. This of course leads to his own summoning to earth, and he decides to make it his mission to try to find his brother.


Fire in general is an angry lil guy. His base emotion is annoyed and ready to snap at any moment, which does include a resting bitch face. He processes his emotions through anger so his first response to positivity is typically to insult and yell. He is unable to accept compliments at face value. He enjoys arguments and fighting, as he is used to that and knows how to react. His favourite thing to do is threaten people, and he does it very often.

He is flustered easily as he is not used to positive things and especially not flirting. He doesn’t remember the one relationship he ever had, so he is incredibly inexperienced. The only time his guard is truly down is when he is sleepy. As a demon Fire had never slept before he was summoned to earth and so is not used to it at all. When he wakes up he stays sleepy and half aware for a very long time, and even smiles occasionally. This pisses him off whenever he fully wakes up, in his mind when he lets his guard down like that he’s being weak, and he hates being perceived as weak.

Deep deep deep down Fire is caring though. He is protective of what he considers his, and his tail subconsciously wraps around the people he likes without his input. Often he will be arguing with someone but his tail will simultaneously be wrapped around their wrist. It’s very endearing and he would die if he found out.



Fire is demon, and has a human anchor
Fire has two forms, his natural demon form and his human form. His demon form is a giant pitch black fire creature with white eyes, which is why he named himself Fire. He can change between these forms at will, the process involving a lot of smoke. When he goes from human form to demon form the process starts with his eye sclera turning black and then catching fire.
Fire’s pupils are completely pitch black and he can at will turn his sclera black as well, although this may happen naturally if he gets angry or surprised.
Fire is a fire demon (iconic) and every fire demon can control fire in the human realm.
He is stronger naturally than any human, and has accelerated healing. The only scars Fire has are the facial scars from his horns, which every demon gets after transforming for the first time.
Fire is one of the very few if not only demons to have a human anchor. If he were to die, Atticus would also die and vice versa.
He can “summon his anchor”, aka basically teleport Atticus to himself
He can “fix his anchor”, aka heal Atticus of injuries (only ones that happen after Atticus became his anchor)
Fire can sense Atticus’ emotions, and hear his heartbeat from any distance if he were to concentrate.
He can sense their bond if he concentrates, aka see the string connecting them
The two of them get the same injuries but again due to Fires accelerated healing they typically don’t stick to him for very long.
Basically he’s very powerful and I’m insane thanks for reading

Fun facts!

His tail often reveals his true emotions subconsciously
He hates water (duh)
He manifests the scars on his arm to show up, they're not real scars. He simply wants to match Atticus who got the scars when Fire first was summoned.
He hates when people point out his height
He doesn't like taking off the bracelet on his left wrist
He considers Atticus "his" human


Atticus Love

Anchor | Love Interest

Atticus is Fire's anchor to earth, and hes VERY protective of him



sshh its supposed to be a secret that Spike is his brother don't tell my comic readers

Lee Stolz

Love Interest

Fire's tail subconsciously wraps around Lee the most, he's unaware of how protective he himself is of Lee

Ai Rouge

Love Interest

Fire is on his best behaviour around Ai, knowing his fear of demons

Brooks Honey

Love Interest

enemies to lovers anyone..? aka Fire yells at Brooks and Brooks enjoys it



Fire doesn't remember Anaya thanks to Spike messing with his memory
read the comic: or webtoon