Lee Stolz



2 years, 7 months ago


I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry



Lee Stolz




















Early life

Lee was born a vampire rather than bitten, which is extremely rare. His father, Griffon, really only wanted to continue the bloodline and so did not care for Lee. His mother, Saphyre, cared about him as a child but she was never a terribly good mom to him and grew distant as he grew into his own person. Lee was on his own for the most part as he grew up, and was very angry and resentful. He took his anger out on other people and quickly became notorious among older vampires as a ruthless killer. He killed humans easily, and didn’t feel guilty about drinking their blood whatsoever. He did whatever he had to to survive and oftentime, more.

Ellery and Blythe

Lee eventually discovers that his father has been biting people and turning them into vampires, and then abandoning them and leaving them to suffer on their own. Lee takes on the task of finding the vampires and trying to help them, feeling responsible due to it being his father. Griffon doesn’t like that, and starts branding the vampires he bites with blood drop earrings, and forces Lee to wear them as well. The earrings are charmed to notify Griffon if they’re removed and Griffon takes it as a betrayal, usually killing whoever removes them. Around this time is when Lee meets Ellery and Blythe. He still helps the two of them out and teaches them how to survive. Eventually the three of them become very close, and they help Lee with finding and helping new vampires. Eventually both Blythe and Ellery develop romantic feelings for Lee.


As Lee is unable to return the feelings, Ellery slowly drifts apart from the group and becomes more independent. As they grow closer, Lee slowly starts to return Blythe’s romantic feelings, although he never says anything as he doesn’t want to risk losing her too. The longer Blythe is a vampire, the less and less okay with hurting people she becomes. This becomes a problem for Lee, as she gets angry at him whenever he does. Lee eventually stops the more she is upset by it, and the two of them try to find better options to drink blood. After years of it being the two of them against the world, Blythe ends up being killed by someone who hunts supernatural beings. Lee does not handle her death well, and regrets never telling her he loved her back. His personality is changed, the more he mourns her the less he is okay with hurting humans, knowing she wouldn’t like it if he did. He ends up hating his own vampirism, the thing that got her killed and the thing that makes him hurt people. Lee develops a bad habit of refusing to drink blood even when he is starving, prompting Ellery to come back into his life to try to help him.


Lee ends up trying to replace drinking blood with sleeping, often sleeping for decades at a time. It is mildly effective although he wakes up starving and often blacks out and hurts people while he is unable to control himself. This just makes the hatred worse. Ellery tries to keep him safe when he sleeps and stop him when he’s awake, but Lee is far stronger than him and driven by instincts alone. After years of this, Lee eventually meets Bonnibel. Bonnibel is the most recent vampire his father turned, although she isn’t branded with the blood earring. Lee tries to get his act together to help her as he did many others, feeling as though he has to keep her safe. Lee never tells Bonnibel of his relation to the one who turned her, due to the lack of earrings as proof Bonnibel has no idea. Lee tries to keep Ellery out of his life whenever he can as he does not want him to tell Bonnibel and doesn’t approve of his killing. Bonnibel is none the wiser of his past and thinks he has never hurt anyone, which is what Lee wants the most.


Lee is terribly insecure about basically his entire existence. He hates being a vampire, hates having to drink blood and hates his past. He is also very shy and antisocial, preferring to stick by himself or with the very few people he actually trusts won’t abandon him. He’s afraid of making new connections for various reasons. He’s worried that he’ll hurt whoever he tries to get close to, or that they’ll die and leave him alone. Although he is incredibly strong he absolutely despises fighting and hurting other people, he only does it in extreme situations. He regrets his past a lot and feels incredible guilt over all the people he hurt or killed, and ended up learning how to control himself better. He won’t hurt people even if he blacks out and loses himself to instincts, always able to stop himself before he kills humans. Although it’s really unhealthy of him to refuse to drink blood.

He is very strong, although he regrets the way he became strong and tries his best not to fight or hurt anyone unless the situation is dire. He regrets his past and feels tremendous guilt over the things he’s done, so he tries to control himself and his reactions. He has learned how to force himself to sleep even when he loses control of himself and is running on instincts, trying his very best not to hurt anyone or drink their blood despite how unhealthy it is for him not to.

Lee is also afraid to love anyone romantically again, due to what happened to Blythe. His trust issues paired with his anxieties over people hating him for his past lead to him struggling to accept affection and getting embarrassed very easily. The confidence he had in the past will never return to him.



Lee is a vampire! One of the few to be born a vampire rather than turned.
Lee is immortal, meaning he can’t die from old age and doesn’t physically age past adulthood. He can die of other things though.
He has heightened senses (sight, smell, hearing, etc)
He is naturally stronger than any humans, and typically stronger than turned vampires. The fact that Lee usually refuses to drink blood means he’s weaker than he’s supposed to be though.
His eye sclera can change from white to black at will, but it can happen out of his control if he's hungry, angry, or smells fresh blood.
His fangs can elongate and it typically happens when he’s very hungry
He has a mild ability to influence humans decisions but he never uses it.
He doesn’t need to sleep whatsoever, but he often does anyway.
All vampires have the ability to turn others into vampires by biting them, but Lee has never done this.

Fun Facts!

He's afraid of needles
His favourite "flavour" of blood is AB
He hasn't seen his parents in person in decades
He used to keep his hair short but decided to try and see how long he could grow it
He actually enjoys the feeling of sleeping even though he has no need to


Bonnibel Corbyn


Bonnibel is Lees bestfriend, he feels most comfortable around her.

Atticus Love

Love Interest

Lee feels a strong connection to Atticus, and will always be thankful to him


Love Interest

Lee enjoys being around Fire for his blunt personality, it somehow calms him down

Brooks Honey

Love Interest

Lee is shy around Brooks for an entirely different reason than normal

Ai Rouge

Love Interest

Ai is one of the few people to constantly compliment Lee out of the blue

Blythe Darling

Old Friend

Lee will never forget Blythe, and misses her every single day

Ellery Witt


Lee has known Ellery for a very, very long time. Their relationship is complicated

Griffon Stolz


Lee and his father do not get along

Saphyre Stolz


Although she tried, Saphyre was never a great mother to Lee
read the comic: tapas.io or webtoon